Choropleth maps
Achoropleth mapis a color-coded map that assigns values as a function of location. Typically, the map is drawn along well-known political/administrative boundaries; hence, you don't have to create the maps yourself. A sliding scale of color helps you to quickly locate hot spots, where the value of interest may be lower or higher than other places on the map.
To create a choropleth map for your data, you need two things:
Map data. Via itsHighchartsback end, RapidMiner provides:
- a world map, partitioned into countries,
- maps of each continent, partitioned into countries, and
- country maps, partitioned into lower-level administrative units (US States/German Länder/French Régions).
Anidentifier(e.g. a country name) that connects your data to the map. In principle, the ISO-3166 standard permits alpha or numeric codes as identifiers; in practice, RapidMiner uses the country name or name of the lower-level administrative unit.
Read more:
- Choropleth Maps (
- Choropleth map (wikipedia)
- ISO 3166-1 (wikipedia)
- ISO 3166-2 (wikipedia)
- ISO 3166 country codes (
Highcharts GeoJSON
Map data
The map data provided by RapidMiner began its life on theNatural Earthwebsite, and was converted to GeoJSON format byHighcharts.
GeoJSON is a special JSON format that describes shapes (such as the boundaries of a country) and associates properties to those shapes (such as name and ISO-3166 codes). For example, the GeoJSONFeaturethat describes the United States of America has the following form:
"name":"United States of America",
"subregion":"Northern America",
“region-wb”:"North America",
"continent":"North America"
An important point to observe is that the country name in the Highcharts GeoJSON file is not necessarily the same as theEnglish short namegiven by ISO-3166. To use the maps provided by RapidMiner / Highcharts, you must use thenamegiven in the Highcharts GeoJSON file.
ISO-3166 name | Highcharts name |
United States of America (the) | United States of America |
For a complete list of ISO-3166 country names and codes, together with their Highcharts equivalents, see theappendix.
Note however that you can infer the Highcharts GeoJSON country name without ever opening a GeoJSON file, simply by:
- creating the map in RapidMiner and
- hovering the country with the mouse, until the country name appears.
Read more:
Example: Gapminder
Gapminder is an independent educational non-profit fighting global misconceptions.
The Gapminder Foundation collects and disseminates information about living standards in all parts of the world, to demonstrate how quickly and remarkably the global standard of living has increased, and to promote sustainable development.
TheGapminder websiteincludes a variety of global data.
GDP per capita in constant PPP dollars
For our example, we will plot the increase in GDP per capita in constant PPP dollars, from the year 2000 to the year 2020, using a modified version of aGapminder data set.
The following modifications:
- 删除
GDP per capita growth (%)
. - Restrict the
data to the years 2000 and 2020. - Based on the year, rewrite
Income per person
asIncome 2000
andIncome 2020
. Deletetime
. - Take the ratio
Income ratio
=Income 2020
/Income 2000
. - Take the natural log:
Log ratio
= ln (Income ratio
) - Rewrite country
asHighcharts name
produce a table of this form:
geo | name | GDP total | Income 2000 | Income 2020 | Income ratio | Log ratio | Highcharts name |
afg | Afghanistan | 74652032324 | 578.0 | 1918.0 | 3.3183391003460208 | 1.199464386771006 | Afghanistan |
alb | Albania | 38173625553 | 5912.0 | 13265.0 | 2.2437415426251692 | 0.8081448039438024 | Albania |
dza | Algeria | 465890055133 | 8710.0 | 10624.0 | 1.219747416762342 | 0.1986438018696666 | Algeria |
and | Andorra | 4759876000 | 35399.0 | 61605.0 | 1.7403033984010847 | 0.5540594649234722 | Andorra |
Download gapminder-20-years.rmhdf5table
Note that an app lives within a project. We havecreated a projectcalledgapminder. To create a map based on the above data table, take the following steps.
- From within the project, under theData tab, clickAdd Data,uploadgapminder-20-years.rmhdf5table.
- 从Content tab, selectCreate Appand name the appgapminder-progress.
- ClickAdd Widget,Editthe widget.
- In the dropdown, select the widget typeData.
- In the Data Set dropdown, selectgapminder-20-years.
- Visualize the data as aMap.
To configure the map, make the following selections:
- Map Type: Regions
- Map: All countries
- Regions:
, the country name given by Gapminder - Value:
Income ratio
, the ratio betweenIncome 2020
andIncome 2000
- Aggregation: No Aggregation
The resulting map has at least two flaws that can be corrected:
- The data for some countries, such as the United States and a few African countries, are not displayed on the map.
- Since most countries have an
Income ratio
approximately equal to 1.0, the map is drowning in a sea of purple.
Improve the map
Correct identifiers
Regarding the missing countries, the issue can be resolved by taking note of the comment onidentifiersmade previously: the country name must be the same as the name in the Highcharts GeoJSON file.
Gapminder name | Highcharts name |
Guinea-Bissau | Guinea Bissau |
Cote d'Ivoire | Ivory Coast |
Congo, Rep. | Republic of Congo |
Congo, Dem. Rep. | Democratic Republic of Congo |
Tanzania | United Republic of Tanzania |
United States | United States of America |
The data columnHighcharts name
makes the appropriate corrections.
Improve color coding
Regarding the color coding, theHighcharts API for colorAxishas some useful comments:
Often times, the color axis needs to be adjusted to get the right color spread for the data. In addition to stops, consider using a logarithmic axis type, or settingminandmax为了避免颜色being determined by outliers.
With this comment in mind, and taking into account theHighcharts name
, we reconfigure the map, make the following selections:
- Map Type: Regions
- Map: All countries
- Regions:
Highcharts name
, the country name given by Highcharts - Value:
Log ratio
, the natural logarithm ofIncome ratio
- Aggregation: No Aggregation
On this second map, the hot spots stand out more clearly.
- The countries where the economy has contracted are purple: Venezuela, Libya, South Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. Most of these countries have experienced armed conflict.
- The countries where the economy has expanded are yellow or orange. China stands out especially, but there has been dramatic progress in most of Asia and also in Eastern Europe.
Advanced settings
When you edit a map, clicking the buttonAdvanced Settingsgives you access to theHighcharts API. For maps, possible settings of interest include:
To change the configuration of thetitle, for example, enter a JSON snippet similar to the following into the form field:
"text":"Log[ (Income 2020) / (Income 2000) ]",
Read more:
- Gapminder
- Gapminder data
- GDP per capita in constant PPP dollars
- Ted Talk by Hans Rosling: The best stats you've ever seen
- Highcharts API
- Highcharts API for colorAxis
Appendix: conversion table
The table below presents the ISO-3166-1 standard for country codes, and shows eventual differences between theEnglish short name
identified in ISO-3166-1 and the country names identified by Highcharts. To get your data on the map, you need to use theHighcharts name
English short name | Alpha-2 code | Alpha-3 code | Numeric | Highcharts name |
Afghanistan | AF | AFG | 4 | Afghanistan |
Albania | AL | ALB | 8 | Albania |
Algeria | DZ | DZA | 12 | Algeria |
American Samoa | AS | ASM | 16 | American Samoa |
Andorra | AD | AND | 20 | Andorra |
Angola | AO | AGO | 24 | Angola |
Anguilla | AI | AIA | 660 | |
Antarctica | AQ | ATA | 10 | |
Antigua and Barbuda | AG | ATG | 28 | Antigua and Barbuda |
Argentina | AR | ARG | 32 | Argentina |
Armenia | AM | ARM | 51 | Armenia |
Aruba | AW | ABW | 533 | |
Australia | AU | AUS | 36 | Australia |
Austria | AT | AUT | 40 | Austria |
Azerbaijan | AZ | AZE | 31 | Azerbaijan |
Bahamas (the) | BS | BHS | 44 | The Bahamas |
Bahrain | BH | BHR | 48 | Bahrain |
Bangladesh | BD | BGD | 50 | Bangladesh |
Barbados | BB | BRB | 52 | Barbados |
Belarus | BY | BLR | 112 | Belarus |
Belgium | BE | BEL | 56 | Belgium |
Belize | BZ | BLZ | 84 | Belize |
Benin | BJ | BEN | 204 | Benin |
Bermuda | BM | BMU | 60 | |
Bhutan | BT | BTN | 64 | Bhutan |
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | BO | BOL | 68 | Bolivia |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba | BQ | BES | 535 | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BA | BIH | 70 | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Botswana | BW | BWA | 72 | Botswana |
Bouvet Island | BV | BVT | 74 | |
Brazil | BR | BRA | 76 | Brazil |
British Indian Ocean Territory (the) | IO | IOT | 86 | |
Brunei Darussalam | BN | BRN | 96 | Brunei |
Bulgaria | BG | BGR | 100 | Bulgaria |
Burkina Faso | BF | BFA | 854 | Burkina Faso |
Burundi | BI | BDI | 108 | Burundi |
Cabo Verde | CV | CPV | 132 | Cape Verde |
Cambodia | KH | 博物馆 | 116 | Cambodia |
Cameroon | CM | CMR | 120 | Cameroon |
Canada | CA | CAN | 124 | Canada |
Cayman Islands (the) | KY | CYM | 136 | |
Central African Republic (the) | CF | CAF | 140 | Central African Republic |
Chad | TD | TCD | 148 | Chad |
Chile | CL | CHL | 152 | Chile |
China | CN | CHN | 156 | China |
Christmas Island | CX | CXR | 162 | |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the) | CC | CCK | 166 | |
Colombia | CO | COL | 170 | Colombia |
Comoros (the) | KM | COM | 174 | Comoros |
Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) | CD | COD | 180 | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Congo (the) | CG | COG | 178 | Republic of Congo |
Cook Islands (the) | CK | COK | 184 | |
Costa Rica | CR | CRI | 188 | Costa Rica |
Croatia | HR | HRV | 191 | Croatia |
Cuba | CU | CUB | 192 | Cuba |
Curaçao | CW | CUW | 531 | |
Cyprus | CY | CYP | 196 | Cyprus |
Czechia | CZ | CZE | 203 | Czech Republic |
Côte d'Ivoire | CI | CIV | 384 | Ivory Coast |
Denmark | DK | DNK | 208 | Denmark |
Djibouti | DJ | DJI | 262 | Djibouti |
Dominica | DM | DMA | 212 | Dominica |
Dominican Republic (the) | DO | DOM | 214 | Dominican Republic |
Ecuador | EC | ECU | 218 | Ecuador |
Egypt | EG | EGY | 818 | Egypt |
El Salvador | SV | SLV | 222 | El Salvador |
Equatorial Guinea | GQ | GNQ | 226 | Equatorial Guinea |
Eritrea | ER | ERI | 232 | Eritrea |
Estonia | EE | EST | 233 | Estonia |
Eswatini | SZ | SWZ | 748 | Swaziland |
Ethiopia | ET | ETH | 231 | Ethiopia |
Falkland Islands (the)[Malvinas] | FK | FLK | 238 | |
Faroe Islands (the) | FO | FRO | 234 | Faroe Islands |
Fiji | FJ | FJI | 242 | Fiji |
Finland | FI | FIN | 246 | Finland |
France | FR | FRA | 250 | France |
French Guiana | GF | GUF | 254 | |
French Polynesia | PF | PYF | 258 | |
French Southern Territories (the) | TF | ATF | 260 | |
Gabon | GA | GAB | 266 | Gabon |
冈比亚(the) | GM | GMB | 270 | Gambia |
Georgia | GE | GEO | 268 | Georgia |
Germany | DE | DEU | 276 | Germany |
Ghana | GH | GHA | 288 | Ghana |
Gibraltar | GI | GIB | 292 | |
Greece | GR | GRC | 300 | Greece |
Greenland | GL | GRL | 304 | Greenland |
Grenada | GD | GRD | 308 | Grenada |
Guadeloupe | GP | GLP | 312 | |
Guam | GU | GUM | 316 | Guam |
Guatemala | GT | GTM | 320 | Guatemala |
Guernsey | GG | GGY | 831 | |
Guinea | GN | GIN | 324 | Guinea |
Guinea-Bissau | GW | GNB | 624 | Guinea Bissau |
Guyana | GY | GUY | 328 | Guyana |
Haiti | HT | HTI | 332 | Haiti |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands | HM | HMD | 334 | |
Holy See (the) | VA | VAT | 336 | Vatican |
Honduras | HN | HND | 340 | Honduras |
Hong Kong | HK | HKG | 344 | |
Hungary | HU | HUN | 348 | Hungary |
Iceland | IS | ISL | 352 | Iceland |
India | IN | IND | 356 | India |
Indonesia | ID | 印度尼西亚的 | 360 | Indonesia |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | IR | IRN | 364 | Iran |
Iraq | IQ | IRQ | 368 | Iraq |
Ireland | IE | IRL | 372 | Ireland |
Isle of Man | IM | IMN | 833 | |
Israel | IL | ISR | 376 | Israel |
Italy | IT | ITA | 380 | Italy |
Jamaica | JM | JAM | 388 | Jamaica |
Japan | JP | JPN | 392 | Japan |
Jersey | JE | JEY | 832 | |
Jordan | JO | JOR | 400 | Jordan |
Kazakhstan | KZ | KAZ | 398 | Kazakhstan |
Kenya | KE | KEN | 404 | Kenya |
Kiribati | KI | KIR | 296 | Kiribati |
Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of) | KP | PRK | 408 | North Korea |
Korea (the Republic of) | KR | KOR | 410 | South Korea |
Kuwait | KW | KWT | 414 | Kuwait |
Kyrgyzstan | KG | KGZ | 417 | Kyrgyzstan |
Lao People's Democratic Republic (the) | LA | LAO | 418 | Laos |
Latvia | LV | LVA | 428 | Latvia |
Lebanon | LB | LBN | 422 | Lebanon |
Lesotho | LS | LSO | 426 | Lesotho |
Liberia | LR | LBR | 430 | Liberia |
Libya | LY | LBY | 434 | Libya |
Liechtenstein | LI | LIE | 438 | Liechtenstein |
Lithuania | LT | LTU | 440 | Lithuania |
Luxembourg | LU | LUX | 442 | Luxembourg |
Macao | MO | MAC | 446 | |
Madagascar | MG | MDG | 450 | Madagascar |
Malawi | MW | MWI | 454 | Malawi |
Malaysia | MY | MYS | 458 | Malaysia |
Maldives | MV | MDV | 462 | Maldives |
Mali | ML | 多层互连 | 466 | Mali |
Malta | MT | MLT | 470 | Malta |
Marshall Islands (the) | MH | MHL | 584 | Marshall Islands |
Martinique | MQ | MTQ | 474 | |
Mauritania | MR | MRT | 478 | Mauritania |
Mauritius | MU | MUS | 480 | Mauritius |
Mayotte | YT | MYT | 175 | |
Mexico | MX | MEX | 484 | Mexico |
Micronesia (Federated States of) | FM | FSM | 583 | Federated States of Micronesia |
Moldova (the Republic of) | MD | MDA | 498 | Moldova |
Monaco | MC | MCO | 492 | Monaco |
Mongolia | MN | MNG | 496 | Mongolia |
Montenegro | ME | MNE | 499 | Montenegro |
Montserrat | MS | MSR | 500 | |
Morocco | MA | MAR | 504 | Morocco |
Mozambique | MZ | MOZ | 508 | Mozambique |
Myanmar | MM | MMR | 104 | Myanmar |
Namibia | NAM | 516 | Namibia | |
Nauru | NR | NRU | 520 | Nauru |
Nepal | NP | NPL | 524 | Nepal |
Netherlands (the) | NL | NLD | 528 | Netherlands |
New Caledonia | NC | NCL | 540 | |
New Zealand | NZ | NZL | 554 | New Zealand |
Nicaragua | NI | NIC | 558 | Nicaragua |
尼日尔() | NE | NER | 562 | Niger |
Nigeria | NG | NGA | 566 | Nigeria |
Niue | NU | NIU | 570 | |
Norfolk Island | NF | NFK | 574 | |
North Macedonia | MK | MKD | 807 | Macedonia |
Northern Mariana Islands (the) | MP | MNP | 580 | Northern Mariana Islands |
Norway | NO | NOR | 578 | Norway |
Oman | OM | OMN | 512 | Oman |
Pakistan | PK | PAK | 586 | Pakistan |
Palau | PW | PLW | 585 | Palau |
Palestine, State of | PS | PSE | 275 | |
Panama | PA | PAN | 591 | Panama |
Papua New Guinea | PG | PNG | 598 | Papua New Guinea |
Paraguay | PY | PRY | 600 | Paraguay |
Peru | PE | PER | 604 | Peru |
Philippines (the) | PH | PHL | 608 | Philippines |
Pitcairn | PN | PCN | 612 | |
Poland | PL | POL | 616 | Poland |
Portugal | PT | PRT | 620 | Portugal |
Puerto Rico | PR | PRI | 630 | Puerto Rico |
Qatar | QA | QAT | 634 | Qatar |
Romania | RO | ROU | 642 | Romania |
Russian Federation (the) | RU | RUS | 643 | Russia |
Rwanda | RW | RWA | 646 | Rwanda |
Réunion | RE | REU | 638 | |
Saint Barthélemy | BL | BLM | 652 | |
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha | SH | SHN | 654 | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KN | KNA | 659 | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Saint Lucia | LC | LCA | 662 | Saint Lucia |
Saint Martin (French part) | MF | MAF | 663 | |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | PM | SPM | 666 | |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VC | VCT | 670 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Samoa | WS | WSM | 882 | Samoa |
San Marino | SM | SMR | 674 | San Marino |
Sao Tome and Principe | ST | STP | 678 | Sao Tome and Principe |
Saudi Arabia | SA | SAU | 682 | Saudi Arabia |
Senegal | SN | SEN | 686 | Senegal |
Serbia | RS | SRB | 688 | Republic of Serbia |
Seychelles | SC | SYC | 690 | Seychelles |
Sierra Leone | SL | SLE | 694 | Sierra Leone |
Singapore | SG | SGP | 702 | Singapore |
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) | SX | SXM | 534 | |
Slovakia | SK | SVK | 703 | Slovakia |
Slovenia | SI | SVN | 705 | Slovenia |
Solomon Islands | SB | SLB | 90 | Solomon Islands |
Somalia | SO | SOM | 706 | Somalia |
South Africa | ZA | ZAF | 710 | South Africa |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | GS | SGS | 239 | |
South Sudan | SS | SSD | 728 | South Sudan |
Spain | ES | ESP | 724 | Spain |
Sri Lanka | LK | LKA | 144 | Sri Lanka |
Sudan (the) | SD | SDN | 729 | Sudan |
Suriname | SR | SUR | 740 | Suriname |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen | SJ | SJM | 744 | |
Sweden | SE | SWE | 752 | Sweden |
Switzerland | CH | CHE | 756 | Switzerland |
Syrian Arab Republic (the) | SY | SYR | 760 | Syria |
Taiwan (Province of China) | TW | TWN | 158 | Taiwan |
Tajikistan | TJ | TJK | 762 | Tajikistan |
Tanzania, the United Republic of | TZ | TZA | 834 | United Republic of Tanzania |
Thailand | TH | THA | 764 | Thailand |
Timor-Leste | TL | TLS | 626 | East Timor |
Togo | TG | TGO | 768 | Togo |
Tokelau | TK | TKL | 772 | |
Tonga | TO | TON | 776 | Tonga |
Trinidad and Tobago | TT | TTO | 780 | Trinidad and Tobago |
Tunisia | TN | TUN | 788 | Tunisia |
Turkey | TR | TUR | 792 | Turkey |
Turkmenistan | TM | TKM | 795 | Turkmenistan |
Turks and Caicos Islands (the) | TC | TCA | 796 | |
Tuvalu | TV | TUV | 798 | Tuvalu |
Uganda | UG | UGA | 800 | Uganda |
Ukraine | UA | UKR | 804 | Ukraine |
United Arab Emirates (the) | AE | ARE | 784 | United Arab Emirates |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) | GB | GBR | 826 | United Kingdom |
United States Minor Outlying Islands (the) | UM | UMI | 581 | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
United States of America (the) | US | USA | 840 | United States of America |
Uruguay | UY | URY | 858 | Uruguay |
Uzbekistan | UZ | UZB | 860 | Uzbekistan |
Vanuatu | VU | VUT | 548 | Vanuatu |
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | VE | VEN | 862 | Venezuela |
Viet Nam | VN | VNM | 704 | Vietnam |
Virgin Islands (British) | VG | VGB | 92 | |
Virgin Islands (U.S.) | VI | VIR | 850 | United States Virgin Islands |
Wallis and Futuna | WF | WLF | 876 | |
Western Sahara* | EH | ESH | 732 | Western Sahara |
Yemen | YE | YEM | 887 | Yemen |
Zambia | ZM | ZMB | 894 | Zambia |
Zimbabwe | ZW | ZWE | 716 | Zimbabwe |
Åland Islands | AX | ALA | 248 |