Binary classification
Jump ahead to theExample: Churn Prediction Data
Performance metrics
Before you can decide on a performance metric, we need to introduce some terminology, and then you need to decide on your relationship to wrong predictions -- not all wrong predictions are created equal! Assume your target column has only two possible values; we'll call thempositiveandnegative.
- positive value- of the two values, the value you chose tofocus on
- negative value- of the two values, the value you chosenotto focus on
When we apply our binary classification model to the test set, each prediction will be positive or negative, and right or wrong, compared to the known value. We can summarize the possible outcomes in the so-calledconfusion matrix:
Actually negative | Actually positive | |
Predicted negative | TN = true negatives | FN = false negatives |
Predicted positive | FP = false positives | TP = true positives |
Notice that there are two kinds of wrong predictions: false positives (FP) and false negatives (FN). While both are wrong, you will frequently find that one of the two is more disturbing than the other, and you will choose your performance metric to lessen its impact.
All performance metrics for binary classification models are based on combinations of the four values TP / TN / FP / FN. Auto ML provides the following metrics:
Performance metric | Formula | Description |
Accuracy | (TP + TN) --------- (TP + TN + FP + FN) |
the ratio of correct predictions to the total number of predictions. If you're neutral in the question of false positives versus false negatives, choose the model with the highest Accuracy. |
Classification Error | (FP + FN) --------- (TP + TN + FP + FN) |
不正确的预测总ν的比率mber of predictions (= 1 - Accuracy) |
Precision | TP --------- (TP + FP) |
the ratio of true positives to all positive predictions. If you want to minimize the number of false positives, choose the model with the highest value of Precision. |
Recall | TP --------- (TP + FN) |
the ratio of true positives to all positive values. If you want to minimize the number of false negatives, choose the model with the highest value of Recall. |
AUC | See below | AUC (or Area under the ROC curve) measures the space beneath the ROC curve |
Now let's make this somewhat abstract discussion more concrete.
Case 1: An expensive marketing campaign (selective search)
Suppose that you are running a marketing campaign, and your machine learning model is tasked with targeting customers who will respond positively. Because the campaign is costly, involving direct communication with each customer, you want to be relatively sure of success; you don't want to waste time and money contacting people who aren't likely to be interested. In short, false positives are undesirable, whereas false negatives are acceptable. It's not important to identifyeverycustomer who is likely to be interested. Hence, you choosePrecisionas your performance metric, because a high value forPrecisionimplies that there are few false positives -- people identified by the model as interested, who in reality aren't.
Case 2: An inexpensive marketing campaign (exhaustive search)
Suppose your machine learning model is tasked with finding customers who are likely to churn. These customers will get a special offer to convince them to stay. The special offer is relatively inexpensive, relative to the cost of losing a customer, so the emphasis is on findingallthe potential churners. In short, false negatives are undesirable, whereas false positives are acceptable. There's no harm in contacting a few extra people. Hence, you chooseRecallas your performance metric, because a high value forRecallimplies that there are few false negatives -- people not identified by the model as churners, who in reality are.
Case 3: Fraud Detection
In the first encounter with performance metrics, you may be tempted to chooseAccuracyas your performance metric, because it is more familiar thanPrecisionorRecall. WhileAccuracyis, in general, the most common performance metric in data science, it is not always the best metric to use, especially when positive and negative predictions have dramatically different implications.
Suppose you are looking for fraudulent transactions. Most transactions arenotfraudulent; instances of fraud are rare. For the purposes of this example, let's assume that only 1 transaction out of every 10,000 transactions is fraudulent -- a rate of 0.01%. Now suppose we have a ridiculously simple model to predict fraudulent transactions: it always predicts "no fraud"! Notice that this simple model has anAccuracyof 99.99%, because 99.99% of all transactions are not fraudulent. Nevertheless, if it is important for you to uncover fraud, you will reject this model immediately, despite its highAccuracy, because the model gives you no hint where to look.
Clearly, you don't want false negatives -- you want to discover all the instances of fraud, if possible. But you also need to worry about false positives, because you don't want to falsely accuse innocent customers. The best approach is probably to useRecallfor your model, to avoid false negatives, but then to take additional steps to avoid wrongful accusations. For example, you might contact the customer, say that the transaction was unusual, and ask for details. An honest customer will probably be grateful that you are protecting his interests.
Thresholds / ROC curve
The output of a binary classification model is a positive or negative prediction, but how does the model arrive at this prediction?
In practice, some models include an intermediate step where the prediction has a numerical value. For example, the model may calculate the prediction as a probability s, identifying values s>0.5 as positive and s≤0.5 as negative. The value dividing positive and negative predictions -- in this case s=0.5 -- is called thethreshold.
There's no rule that says the model has to choose s=0.5 as the threshold, nor even that that the value s should represent a probability. In general, though, you expect that if a prediction has a higher s value -- a higherscore(sometimes calledconfidence) -- it is more likely to be positive. If the threshold changes, the predictions change, the confusion matrix changes, and so do the values of the performance metrics. Hence, it's possible to maximize performance as a function of the threshold.
One way of quantifying the dependency on the threshold is to draw an ROC graph. To create an ROC graph, vary the threshold and plot a point (x, y) for each threshold value:
- y-axis - True positive rate = (True positives)/(Actually positive) = TP / (TP + FN)
- x-axis - False positive rate = (False positives)/(Actually negative) = FP / (FP + TN)
Because true positives are desirable and false positives are not, an ideal curve will start at (0, 0), move up the y-axis to (0, 1), before finishing at (1, 1). If you calculate the area under the curve (AUC), it will be 1.0 in this ideal case. In general, the AUC takes values between 0.5 and 1.0, and you can use this value as a performance metric for your model -- larger values are better.
Despite the complexity of the procedure just outlined, the AUC has a relatively simple interpretation: AUC = P(s+>s-), the probability that the model ranks positive instances higher than negative instances, where
- s+ is the score for a randomly chosen positive input, and
- s- is the score for a randomly chosen negative input.
The AUC measures the separability of the two classes, based on their scores. If the AUC=0.5, then the model is worthless, because the ranking is no better than random chance. If the AUC=1.0, then all you have to do is find the threshold value that separates the positive and negative predictions, and your model's accuracy will be 100%! But take care: when there is a large imbalance in positive/negative data, as in the example offraud detection, the AUC can be misleadingly high, because the large number of true negatives (TN) implies a small x-value for the ROC curve.
The strength of the AUC as a metric is that it is not bound to a specific value of the threshold -- it covers the whole range of thresholds. As a result, it provides a rather robust metric, including cases where the optimal threshold is unknown and/or likely to be something other than s=0.5. A well-known use case is text classification. In general, when you want to compare different models, and you don't have a pre-defined threshold or fixed performance metric, the AUC is a good starting point. You can use it to find a model that performs well under most circumstances, and then optimize that model by choosing an appropriate value for the threshold.
Learn more:
- Performance AUC intro
- Threshold intro
- The Probabilistic Interpretation of AUC
- ROC Graphs: Notes and Practical Considerations for Researchers
Model weights
Example: Churn Prediction Data
Model Comparison
Step 5 of Auto ML presents aModel Comparison. TheModel Comparisonincludes a summary performance table, where each row represents a model and each column a performance metric. Here you can quickly determine which model best satisfies your requirements.
For the reasons discussed above inAn inexpensive marketing campaign,Recallis the best performance metric for our Churn problem. Notice that the highest values ofRecallare obtained by three models:
- Decision Tree(95.5%),
- Random Forest(95.5%), and
- Gradient Boosted Trees(97.1%).
Our goal was to find all the potential churners, and the best way to do that is to choose the model with the highestRecall, even if it means that we will be contacting more people than necessary. In what follows we will examine the results forDecision Tree, because our study is still in an exploratory phase, and the interpretation ofDecision Treeis simpler thanGradient Boosted Trees.
Decision Tree
By clicking onDecision Tree, we obtain additional information, including a more detailed look at the performance statistics:
and a very simple explanatory scheme at the bottom of the page:
Each branch of the tree asserts a condition on the data above it. Here, the two conditions are that the number of customer service calls is 1) more than 6.5, or 2) less than 6.5. The conclusion, in words, is the following:
- 客户不流失(“不”)如果他们减少than 6.5 calls to customer service
- customers are highly likely to churn ("yes") if they make more than 6.5 calls to customer service
Not every model is this simple! But if you think back to the discussion at the end ofStep 3: Select inputs, you should not be surprised. There it was said that there is a strong correlation between churn and the number of calls to customer service, as the model now clearly demonstrates.
A recalculation: without the customer service call data
It sounds like a bad idea, but suppose for a moment that we had excluded the columnCustServ Calls
from our data. Would the performance of our model have been affected? A quick glance at the screenshot below, based on a recalculation with this data excluded, shows that the effect on model performance is devastating. No model has aRecallhigher than 50%. Without the customer service call data, we can't find the churners.
This recalculation, despite its failures, makes a useful point that applies to data science in general: relevant data is alpha and omega. You cannot compensate for poor quality data with a clever model or a fancy performance metric. Make sure you have good data.
Summary: have we succeeded?
If you include theCustServ Calls
data, you get a superior model, usingRecallas your performance metric, but if you attempt to[make black-box predictions]( with this model, you are likely to be disappointed.
Why? Because by the time the customer has made so many phone calls to Customer Service that the model identifies him as a churner, it will be too late! This point takes us back to theoriginal question: will I have access to the data in the highly-correlated column prior to making a prediction? Although originally we saidyes, now the answer looks more likeno!
It's time to take a step back and acknowledge that the software by itself won't solve all our problems. For a moment, let's forget about data science and concentrate on the business objectives. Here are the essential questions:
- Why are customers leaving the phone company?
- What can the phone company do to convince customers to stay?
Whatdo我们知道什么?由于模型,我们知道的风俗ers who make too many calls to Customer Service are highly likely to churn. But the number of phone calls is only a symptom; it doesn't answer the question "Why are they leaving?" Important information is still missing.
Notice that the content of the phone calls to Customer Service is not included in the data set. We need to ask Customer Service to log their phone calls and to categorize the complaints. With a new and improved data set, perhaps we can answer the "why" question. It's too early to declare success or failure, but at least our analysis has gotten started!