Lag (Deprecated)
This operator is deprecated.
It still can be used in processes. To use the extended functionality (for example default lag) please exchange this operator with the newLagoperator.
This operator performs a time series lag transformation on one or more attributes.
Different attributes can be lagged separately with different lag values by the parameterattributes. If the parameteroverwrite attributesis selected, the lagged attributes overwrite the original ones. If not selected, new attributes are added to the ExampleSet (the names of the new attributes are in the form<attribute-name>-<lag>).
Lag values can also be negative, which effectively means all other attributes are lagged by this amount. New attributes with a negative lag are named in the form<attribute-name>+<lag>.
If the parameterextend examplesetis selected, the resulting ExampleSet is extended bynexamples wherenis the sum of the maximumlagand the absolute value of the minimumlag(if there is a negative lag) specified. Attributes that are not selected for lagging are filled with missing values.
This operator works on all attributes (independent of type or role).
example set input
The ExampleSet which contains the time series data as attributes.
example set output
The ExampleSet after applying the lag transformation. Ifoverwrite attributesis true, the original time series attributes are overwritten. Else new attributes with the lagged values are added. The names of the new attributes are in the form<attribute-name>-<lag>or<attribute-name>+<lag>if the lag is negative. If the parameterextend examplesetis selected, the resulting ExampleSet is extended bynexamples wherenis the sum of the maximumlagand the absolute value of the minimum lag (if there is a negative lag) specified. Attributes that are not selected for lagging are filled with missing values.
The ExampleSet that was given as input is passed through without changes.
The lag attributes can be selected by the drop down menu if the meta data is known. For each attribute an integerlagvalue has to be specified. Ifoverwrite attributesis not selected, the same attribute can be lagged more than one time with differentlagvalues.
The lag attribute can be selected by the drop down menu if the meta data is known. It can also be typed in manually.
This parameter defines the number of lags for theattribute. Example i will contain the value of Example i-lag. The firstlagvalues will be filled with missing values.
Overwrite attributes
This parameter indicates if the original time series attributes are overwritten by the lagged time series. If this parameter is set to false, the lagged time series are added as new attributes to the ExampleSet. The name of these new attributes will be<attribute-name>-<lag>or<attribute-name>+<lag>if the lag is negative.
Note that selecting this parameter can increase runtime (it required copying the input ExampleSet to ensure that there are no data leaks).
Extend exampleset
This parameter indicates if the ExampleSet should be extended byn例子(wherenis the maximumlagspecified). Attributes that are not selected for lagging are filled with missing values.
Note that selecting this parameter can increase runtime (it required copying the input ExampleSet to ensure that there are no data leaks).