Generate Aggregation (Advanced)
This operator allows you aggregate a selection of attributes per example.
This operator works very similar to the Generate Aggregation operator. Both operators allow you aggregate per example (i.e row based). You can select the aggregation function using the 'function' parameter. Each function may have one or more parameters. The name of the generated attribute is always the function name you selected.
The differentiation to Generate Aggregation is, that this operator allows you more complex aggregation functions.
The differentiation to Aggregate is, that this operator allows you to aggregate row-wise, while aggregate is performing aggregations on a columnar basis.
The ExampleSet you want to perform the aggregation on.
The ExampleSet with aggregations
The original ExampleSet.
This parameter allows you to set the aggregation function. Note that the name of the generated attribute is always the function name
- kth min: Calculates the kth minimum of a set of values. Example: If the input data is 30,50,10,2 and you select k=2, you get the 2nd smallest value; In this case, 10.
- kth max: Calculates the kth maximum of a set of values. Example: If the input data is 30,50,10,2 and you select k=2, you get the 2nd biggest value; In this case, 30.
Configuration for 'kth-min' and 'kth-max' aggregation function. Used to define which minimum to extract.