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Sample Data


This operator published new values to one or more PI data points via the PI Web API.



This input port expects a data set with one or more value attributes and an optional timestamp attribute. The operator will use the names of the selected attributes to map the values to PI data points.


This input port expects a Connection object if any. See the parameter connection entry for more information.



This output port delivers the unmodified input data set.


This output port delivers the Connection object from the input port. If the input port is not connected the port delivers nothing.


Connection entry

This parameter is used to specify a repository location that represents a connection entry. Theconnectioncan also be provided using the connection input port.

Root path

Overrides the root path (data server) specified in the connection.

Use timestamps

Allows to specify an attribute containing time stamps or time strings.

Update option

This parameter determines when to update values in the PI Server.

  • replace: Add the value. If values exist at the specified time, one of them will be overwritten.
  • no replace: Add the value only if no values exist at the specified time.
  • replace only: If a value exists at the specified time, overwrite it. If one does not exist, ignore the provided value.
  • insert: Add the value, preserving any values that exist at the specified time.
  • insert (no compression): Insert the value without compression.
  • remove: Remove the value if one exists at the specified time.

Buffer option

Indicates how to buffer value updates.

  • buffer (if possible): Attempt to update with buffering. If this fails, fall back to updating without buffering.
  • do not buffer: Update values without buffering.
  • buffer与缓冲:更新值。