Move File
This operator moves the chosen file to the specified destination.
The Move File operator moves the selected file from its original directory to the chosen location. If the inserted path does not already exist the needed folders and the file are created. It is also possible to overwrite an existing document.
It is not compulsory to connect any object with this port. Any object connected at this port is delivered without any modifications to the output port. This operator can have multiple inputs. When one input is connected, another通过input port becomes available which is ready to accept another input (if any). The order of inputs remains the same. The object supplied at the first通过input port of the Move File operator is available at the first通过output port.
The objects that were given as input are passed without changing to the output through this port. It is not compulsory to attach this port to any other port, the file is moved even if this port is left without connections. The Move File operator can have multiple outputs. When one output is connected, another通过输出端口可用which is ready to deliver another output (if any). The order of outputs remains the same. The object delivered at the first通过input port of the Move File operator is delivered at the first通过output port
The file that should be moved.
The new location of the file.
Determines whether an already existing file should be overwritten.