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Select Subprocess


This operator consists of multiple subprocesses but it executes only one subprocess at a time. This operator is similar to a switch, where numerous options exist but only one option is selected at a time. It is important to have a good understanding of subprocesses in order to use this operator effectively.


It is very important to have a good understanding of the use of subprocesses in RapidMiner to understand this operator completely. A subprocess introduces a process within a process. Whenever a subprocess is reached during a process execution, first the entire subprocess is executed. Once the subprocess execution is complete, flow is returned to the process (the parent process). A subprocess can be considered as a small unit of a process, like in a process, all operators and combination of operators can be applied in a subprocess. That is why a subprocess can also be defined as a chain of operators that is subsequently applied. For more details about subprocesses please study theSubprocessoperator.

双击选择子流程操作符go inside and view the subprocesses. The subprocesses are then shown in the same Process View. Here you can see the options to add or remove subprocesses. To go back to the parent process, click the blue-colored up arrow button in the Process View toolbar. This works like files and folders work in operating systems. Subprocesses can have subprocesses in them just like folders can have folders in them.

The Select Subprocess operator consists of multiple subprocesses but it executes only one subprocess at a time. The number of subprocesses can be easily controlled. You can easily add or remove subprocesses. The process to be executed is selected by theselect whichparameter. Macros can be provided in theselect whichparameter. Thus the subprocess to be executed can be controlled by using macros. If this operator is placed in any Loop operator this operator will be executed multiple number of times. The true power of this operator comes into play when it is used with other operators like various Macro and Loop operators. For example, if this operator is placed in any Loop operator and theselect whichparameter is controlled by a macro then this operator can be used to dynamically change the process setup. This might be useful in order to test different layouts, e.g. the gain by using different preprocessing steps or the quality of a certain learner.



The Select Subprocess operator can have multiple inputs. When one input is connected, anotherinputport becomes available which is ready to accept another input (if any). The order of inputs remains the same. The Object supplied at the firstinputport of the Select Subprocess operator is available at the firstinputport of the nested chain (inside the subprocess).Don't forget to connect all inputs in correct order. Make sure that you have connected the right number of ports at all levels of the chain.



The Select Subprocess operator can have multiple outputs. When one output is connected, anotheroutputport becomes available which is ready to deliver another output (if any). The order of outputs remains the same. The Object delivered at the firstoutputport of subprocess is delivered at the firstoutputof the Select Subprocess operator. Don't forget to connect all outputs in correct order. Make sure that you have connected the right number of ports at all levels of the chain.


Select which

This parameter indicates which subprocess should be applied. True power of this operator comes into play when theselect whichparameter is specified through a macro.