Loop Batches
This operator creates batches from the input ExampleSet and executes its subprocess on each of these batches. This can be useful for applying operators on very large data sets that are in a database.
This operator groups the examples of the input ExampleSet into batches of the specified size and executes the inner operators on all batches subsequently. This can be useful for very large data sets which cannot be loaded into memory and must be handled in the database. In such cases, preprocessing methods or model applications and other tasks can be performed on each batch and the results can be written into the database table (by using the Write Database or Update Database operators). Note that the output of this operator is not composed of the results of the subprocess. In fact the subprocess does not need to deliver any output since it operates on a subset view of the input ExampleSet. Thus this operator returns the input ExampleSet without any modifications. The results of the subprocess are not directly accessible, they can be written into a database or a file during the execution of this process. The results of the last batch can be accessed using Remember/Recall operators.
example set
This input port expects an ExampleSet. It is the output of the Retrieve operator in the attached Example Process. The output of other operators can also be used as input.
example set
The ExampleSet that was given as input is delivered through this port without any modifications.
Batch size
该参数指定交货的数量amples in a batch.