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Publish to App


This operator stores the given object in the RapidMiner AI Hub App or the current RapidMiner Studio session. The stored object can be retrieved by using the Recall from App operator.


The Publish to App operator can be used to store the input object in the RapidMiner AI Hub App or the current RapidMiner Studio session. The name of the object is specified through thename参数。稍后可以检索存储对象d via the Recall from App operator by using the same name (i.e. the name that was used to store it with the Publish to App operator). When an object was stored by the Publish to App operator once, it can be recalled at any point in the RapidMiner AI Hub App. But care should be taken that the execution order of operators is such that the Publish to App operator for an object is executed before the Recall from App operator for that object. The combination of these two operators can be used to build complex RapidMiner AI Hub Apps, where an input object is stored once and used in completely different parts of the App later on.


Recall from App

The Publish to App operator is always used in combination with the Recall from App operator. The Publish to App operator stores the required object in the RapidMiner AI Hub App and the Recall from App operator retrieves the stored object when required.



Any object can be provided here. This object will be stored in the RapidMiner AI Hub App or the current RapidMiner Studio session.



The object that was given as input is passed without changing to the output through this port. It is not compulsory to attach this port to any other port, the object will be cached even if this port is left without connections.



The name under which the input object is stored is specified through this parameter. The same name will be used for retrieving this object through the Recall from App operator.

Recall from App