This operator takes a performance vector as input and returns a performance vector containing the weighted fitness value of the specified criteria.
This Combine Performances operator takes a performance vector as input and returns a performance vector containing the weighted fitness value of the specified criteria. The user can specify the weights of different criteria. This operator takes the weighted average of the values of the specified criteria. It should be noted that some criteria values are considered positive by this operator e.g. accuracy. On the other hand some criteria values (usually error related) are considered negative by this operator e.g. relative error. Please study the attached Example Process for better understanding of this operator.
这个港口预计performance vector. A performance vector is a list of performance criteria values.
The performance vector containing the weighted fitness value of the specified criteria is returned through this port.
Default weight
This parameter specifies the default weight for all criteria that are not assigned a weight through thecriteria weightsparameter.
Criteria weights
Different performance criteria can be assigned different weights through this parameter. The criteria that are not assigned a weight through this parameter will have the default weight (i.e. specified by thedefault weightparameter).