"Learning Algorithm that can handle complex input relationships?"
Is there a learning algorithm that can handle complicated input relationships? For example, say I feed in 7 signals and it turns out that the difference between two of the signals perfectly explains the output signal. Or what if the output is equal to 2 times one of the inputs, but only if another input is equal to 3, otherwise, the output is equal to some kind of function of the other inputs. Is there a learning algorithm that can learn those types of inputs?
Indeed there is, check out the 'Generate Function Set' operator, and there is an example of how to use it here...
Have fun.
When you say.. What are you referring to, the operator ' Generate Function Set ', or the example I pointed to? The reason I ask is that the source of the operator is like this ... and the example XML is just a loop that keeps the best formulae in the 'Construction" column of the meta-data. So where is the genetic algorithm hiding? Ah, Eureka! It is there!http://www.hakank.org/eureqa/
want to add a note (since I did a lot of research in this topic like 10 years ago):
- if you want an automatic way for creating those complex features and their interactions, you could try the operator Yagga2
- personally I think that having this automatic feature construction with a robust inner learner is much more stable than for example Genetic Programming, but of course this would also be an option for you
- if you want to read more about this, you could try some of my papers including the second part of my PhD:http://www-ai.cs.uni-dortmund.de/PERSONAL/mierswa.html