"Time series filtering / intervals"

AlexusAlexus MemberPosts:7Contributor II
edited June 2019 inHelp
Hey there,

I would like to know if I can prepare time series (financial, i.e. eurusd) in the following ways in rapidminer:

1.从所有的数据,即提取所有周一and make a new table
2. from all data, i.e. extract only 8:12am mondays and make a new table
3. given a table with dates and times, for example 10 datasets that contain different dates and times, rapidminer should then look at another table with finanical (tick) data and make a new table which contains only data starting with the dates from the first table, plus X hours afterwards.

and similar tasks. In short, I would like to make new time series from (tick)data with the parameters I choose, and/or from dates from other tables.

Is that possible with rapidminer?

And another question: Whats the technical term for such actions?


  • AlexusAlexus MemberPosts:7Contributor II
    And if so, which version of rapid miner is capable of doing that? Is the community edition enough?
  • 韦塞尔韦塞尔 MemberPosts:537Guru

    With high probability, yes to all questions.
    Here is a demo.

    Best regards,


    <输出/ >

    < from_op = " Da连接te to Numerical" from_port="example set output" to_op="Filter Examples" to_port="example set input"/>

  • AlexusAlexus MemberPosts:7Contributor II
    Hey, thats great! You have NO idea how long I have been searching for software thats capable of that, unfortunately I did not know what to search for exactly...

    Is there a tutorial I can look at, that you know, to get me started?
  • AlexusAlexus MemberPosts:7Contributor II
    And whats the technical term for this kind of operations that I want to do?
  • 韦塞尔韦塞尔 MemberPosts:537Guru
    There is no technical term that I am aware off.
    The best definition I can come up with is:

    All these operations boil down to the basics of converting a date back to an integer holding the number of milliseconds after 1970.

    Best regards,

  • AlexusAlexus MemberPosts:7Contributor II
    I don't quite get it - how does i.e. extracting all mondays out of a time series that contains monday to friday into a new time series that only contains mondays relate to unix time?
  • AlexusAlexus MemberPosts:7Contributor II
    I don't know if we understand each other? in MYSQL terms I would try a command like (not a working example I guess):

    select * from table where date = monday and time between 8-12

    or something along those lines. I have not found out yet how to do similar things in rapidminer
  • 韦塞尔韦塞尔 MemberPosts:537Guru
    Alexus wrote:

    I don't quite get it - how does i.e. extracting all mondays out of a time series that contains monday to friday into a new time series that only contains mondays relate to unix time?
    To make this calculations, Rapid MIner uses code that is provided in any standard Java Installation.

    Think about it, how would you implement this code if you had to do it from scratch?
    For a lot of stuff milliseconds are really useful.
    If you represent time as an integer holding the number of milliseconds after 1970 you can simple compare dates using the ">" operator.
    And you can do stuff like:
    if A = Monday
    then so is A+=7 *24 * 60 * 60 * 10000
  • AlexusAlexus MemberPosts:7Contributor II
    I see. Thanks for your explanation. I conclude from your examples that its not yet possible to to this kind of task via the gui, right? If I have to do this via coding(i.e. in java), then I think preparing the data via SQL might be the easier way.
  • 韦塞尔韦塞尔 MemberPosts:537Guru
    I do not agree with your conclusion.
    Did my first example not show you how to do this within Rapid Miner?
    And then I tried to explain you the underlying methods that make it work.
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