"Time series filtering / intervals"
Hey there,
I would like to know if I can prepare time series (financial, i.e. eurusd) in the following ways in rapidminer:
1.从所有的数据,即提取所有周一and make a new table
2. from all data, i.e. extract only 8:12am mondays and make a new table
3. given a table with dates and times, for example 10 datasets that contain different dates and times, rapidminer should then look at another table with finanical (tick) data and make a new table which contains only data starting with the dates from the first table, plus X hours afterwards.
and similar tasks. In short, I would like to make new time series from (tick)data with the parameters I choose, and/or from dates from other tables.
Is that possible with rapidminer?
And another question: Whats the technical term for such actions?
I would like to know if I can prepare time series (financial, i.e. eurusd) in the following ways in rapidminer:
1.从所有的数据,即提取所有周一and make a new table
2. from all data, i.e. extract only 8:12am mondays and make a new table
3. given a table with dates and times, for example 10 datasets that contain different dates and times, rapidminer should then look at another table with finanical (tick) data and make a new table which contains only data starting with the dates from the first table, plus X hours afterwards.
and similar tasks. In short, I would like to make new time series from (tick)data with the parameters I choose, and/or from dates from other tables.
Is that possible with rapidminer?
And another question: Whats the technical term for such actions?
With high probability, yes to all questions.
Here is a demo.
Best regards,
<输出/ >
< from_op = " Da连接te to Numerical" from_port="example set output" to_op="Filter Examples" to_port="example set input"/>
Is there a tutorial I can look at, that you know, to get me started?
The best definition I can come up with is:
All these operations boil down to the basics of converting a date back to an integer holding the number of milliseconds after 1970.
Best regards,
select * from table where date = monday and time between 8-12
or something along those lines. I have not found out yet how to do similar things in rapidminer
Think about it, how would you implement this code if you had to do it from scratch?
For a lot of stuff milliseconds are really useful.
If you represent time as an integer holding the number of milliseconds after 1970 you can simple compare dates using the ">" operator.
And you can do stuff like:
if A = Monday
then so is A+=7 *24 * 60 * 60 * 10000
Did my first example not show you how to do this within Rapid Miner?
And then I tried to explain you the underlying methods that make it work.