"running RM white paper tutorial/template."
Hi, I already purchase RM white paper and it come with tutorial and template folder together. In order to get understand into how to build the RM extension, I need to run the tutorial/template code too see the output. However, after reading the guide, I could not find the way to run it. I already checkout the Vega folder, import tutorial and template folder.
1. Do I need to open all 3 projects together when running for tutorial/template files?
2. I need to point to the "com.rapidminer.gui.RapidMinerGUI" for my main class to run every RM projects?
3. From where I can see the outcome of the new extension?
Thank you and appreciate if anyone willing to answer my questions.
1. Do I need to open all 3 projects together when running for tutorial/template files?
2. I need to point to the "com.rapidminer.gui.RapidMinerGUI" for my main class to run every RM projects?
3. From where I can see the outcome of the new extension?
Thank you and appreciate if anyone willing to answer my questions.
first you have to execute the ant target 'install' in your newly created plugin. This will create a .jar file and move it to the RapidMiner lib/plugin folder.
Afterwards you can just start RapidMiner (com.rapidminer.gui.RapidMinerGUI) and start using your plugin.
first of all, the latest version of RapidMiner is "Unuk" and not "Vega", we will update the guides soon accordingly.
In Eclipse you really have to open all two projects (RapidMiner itself and the extension folder, which one is the third?). In the build.xml of the extension you have to replace any occurence of Vega with Unuk (if there are any, I don't have it opened currently).
To use the extension, you have to open the "ant" view in eclipse and drag the build.xml of the extension and of RapidMiner from the Project Explorer into the ant view and then first execute the "createJar" target of RapidMiner and then the "install" target of the extension.
When you then start RapidMiner with the RapidMinerGUI class, your custom operators etc. are available in RapidMiner.
Best, Marius
2.What do you mean "createJar" ? How to do this? this will done automatically by Eclipse IDE?
3.How to do the "install" that you mention here?
Sorry for asking dummy questions. RapidMiner and Eclipse is something new to me. I need a lot of help. Thank you very much.
There you can drag the build.xml's. A tree-like structure will appear, and below the build.xml files you'll see the so-called "targets", amongst them the ones mentioned in my post above.
2.What do you mean "createJar" ? How to do this? this will done automatically by Eclipse IDE?
3.How to do the "install" that you mention here?
See Point 1.
Sorry for asking dummy questions. RapidMiner and Eclipse is something new to me. I need a lot of help. Thank you very much.