How does one prevent the documentation from showing this in the GUI?
MyOperatorsDocMyOperator.xmlhas anoperatorelement with sub-elementskey, name, shortName, synopsisandhelpbut I don't see in Unuk'sresources/com.rapidminer.resources.i18n/OperatorsCoreDocumentation.xmlhow to cover the parameters' documentation.
trace channel
Name of the trace channel to read.
Default value: metadata
Expert parameter
Depends on:
the documentation for the parameters is displayed in the function getParameters(), where the parameters are actually specified. One of the parameters of the parameter creation functions is usually the description; other information is gathered implicitly, e.g. parameter type etc.
Best regards,
One operator parameter generated by getParameterTypes is PARAMETER_LTF_CHANNEL: PARAMETER_LTF_CHANNEL has a dependency implemented by an inner class, which is probably what "com.rapidminer.operator.io.CachedLTFExampleSource$1@12015bce" is referring to. Looking at descendants of ParameterCondition, I now see I need to override toString in order to achieve a proper rendering. This should be made to appear in the Javadoc by overriding toString at the ParameterCondition level with a simple super(); call (currently toString only appears as an inherited method...all the way down from Object!).
I also note that the Javadoc of com.rapidminer.parameter.conditions.ParameterCondition completely omits getDefinitionAsXML(), which is a serious problem as this method is code-documented to state "Subclasses must override this method and...".
To sum up, I needed to build a proper ParameterCondition descendant and override its toString method to fix my issue.
thank you for your hints about missing javadoc documentation. We will the locations you mentioned.
Best regards,