"Read from Database, Process Documents From Data, kMeans Clustering"

Greetings - My question concerns what I imagine is something very simple that as a newbie, I am merely overlooking. However, after reading the manual and similar posts (like this one:http://rapid-i.com/rapidforum/index.php/topic,5518.0.html), I am still at a loss.
I am reading data from a DB with the following columns:
Many thanks in advance for helping me through what I imagine is a total noob oversight.
I am reading data from a DB with the following columns:
- entity_id
- raw_text
- Add Set Role operator for the attribute entity_id to id,afterProcess Documents From Data operator
- Add Set Role operator for the attribute entity_id to id,beforeProcess Documents From Data operator
Many thanks in advance for helping me through what I imagine is a total noob oversight.
Best regards,
My data looks like this in the database I am querying. In real life, that values within the raw_text column are significantly longer. Also, I rename my database's id column to entity_id and only return ids over 1000, as well as limit it to 100 rows.