Use reporting extension
我是一个新用户rapidminer和我的目标是generate reports like your demo
I succeeded to import my excel data with read excel process
Now i want to use report process but when i connected both and lauched them i have not document
Do you have a training video which explained how to generate a report (i did not found it on the web)
我是一个新用户rapidminer和我的目标是generate reports like your demo
I succeeded to import my excel data with read excel process
Now i want to use report process but when i connected both and lauched them i have not document
Do you have a training video which explained how to generate a report (i did not found it on the web)
unfortunately I am not aware of any tutorial videos or processes covering the Reporting extension. But you wrote that you already have combined some operators - can you please post what you have so far? An explanation on how to post your process can be found in the link in my signature.
Best regards,
Before describe my problem i think it's just i don't have any rapidminer application knowledge
Do you have a manual which describes how to use Reporting Extension
I am sorry, as far as I know we do not have any documentation material for the Reporting Extension. However, there are a lot of documentation and tutorials about RapidMiner in general. It is probably a good idea to get accustomed to the general concepts of RapidMiner by watching some of the introductory videos at,en/
After that, it should be quite easy to use the reporting extension. Below I attached an example process for a very simple report.
The general workflow is as follows:
The Generate Report operator creates a report object, where you define a name, the output format and the output folder/file. Then you can add items to the report by using the Report operator. That operator needs data as input, which is added to the report specified by the report_name parameter.
Best regards,
I used Generate Report and Report with Excel type.
I got an error: number of rows limit in excel file.
How will I do?
Thank you in advanced
The old Excel format (.xls) is limited to ~ 32.768 rows in a worksheet. If you want to put more into it, you'll get this error.
If you just need the data, use Write Excel with the xlsx format.
There's also another Reporting extension available fromOld World Computingthat might solve your problem better.