Process Documents from Files - file pattern
MemberPosts:48Contributor II
Dear all!
I have a folder that contains several different files (different in names and in extensions as well). I want only use the files that contains string in filename. How can I set it in the file pattern parameter using Process Documents from Files operator? If I use *text* , RM does not read any files from the appropriate folder.
让这些费尔说我有enames: asd_text-fgh.txt, qwe.textrty.xls, ... I think *text* pattern should return these two filenames. Or not?
Thanks for reply!!!
I have a folder that contains several different files (different in names and in extensions as well). I want only use the files that contains
让这些费尔说我有enames: asd_text-fgh.txt, qwe.textrty.xls, ... I think *text* pattern should return these two filenames. Or not?
Thanks for reply!!!
Here is a sample process for your reference
Your process works for me (returns the expected filenames/paths), but when using the same regular expression at "Process Documents from Files" operator, it does not work
If I use nothing in "file pattern" then my process work properly. But I want it not read all files but only that contains specific string...