"Time series forecast (with Rapid Miner)"

DaiWizardDaiWizard MemberPosts:6Contributor II
edited June 2019 inHelp

I've set up a model exactly as described by Thomas Ott of 'neuralmarkettrends' in videos 8-10 - and it's working well so far.

But what I would still need is the output of the probability for the predicted label (horizon = 1). The model only gives the average values in form of
prediction_trend_accuracy: 0.807 +/- 0.067 (mikro: 0.807).

Thanks for your help !



  • wesselwessel MemberPosts:537Guru

    I'm now using Google to find the video you describe.
    Next time please use a direct link to the video that is of interest.
    Video link:

    Can you upload your process?

    As far as I understand the process is as follows:
    - Order your data by date
    - Split your data into two parts
    - Use data before date X for training, use data after date X for testing.
    - Features for training use created using windowing
    - SVM is used as learner
    * This process does not deal with horizons very well, neuralmarkettrends1 is aware of this fact, but does not want to complicate his video

    Now to answer your question:
    My suggestion would be to rescale absolute error to fall into range 0 to 1, and use this as a measure of probability.

    This is the best answer I can give right now.
    You need to provide better information to get a better answer.

    Best regards,

  • DaiWizardDaiWizard MemberPosts:6Contributor II
    Thank you wessel for your answer!

    You are right the question was a bit too unprecise, however you got it right that's the way I'm doing it.

    Unfortunately I don't know what to do exactly regarding your answer "Now to answer your question:
    My suggestion would be to rescale absolute error to fall into range 0 to 1, and use this as a measure of probabilit".

    Where do I get the absolute error from ?

    Thank you in advance !
  • wesselwessel MemberPosts:537Guru
    Using this process you can define any performance measure you want.

    <参数键= value =“abs_pred_minus_label abs (pred-label)"/>

  • wesselwessel MemberPosts:537Guru
    You should get a result looking like this:
    ( I have problems uploading images, will edit this image later, just go into results dataset and plot "predicted" and "label" and maybe "abs_pred_minus_label" ).

    Try figure out why absolute error is different from average(abs_pred_minus_label)
    Also note that I'm not using a fixed split, instead I'm using a sliding window validation, because this is the proper way to validate time series models).


    This XML shows how you can use the Regression Performance Operator.

    <运营商激活= " true " class = " apply_model“compatibility="5.3.008" expanded="true" height="76" name="Apply Model" width="90" x="91" y="12">

    <参数键= value =“abs_pred_minus_label abs (pred-label)"/>

  • DaiWizardDaiWizard MemberPosts:6Contributor II
    Dear Wessel!

    Thank you so much for your answer. Due to the fact that I'm a beginner I don't know how to import your data as a new operator into my process of video 8 to 10 & I'm not sure at which position of the chain to position this operator then.

    Best regards, Dai Wizard!

  • wesselwessel MemberPosts:537Guru
    Click view.

    Create new perspective.

    In show view, tick XML, untick all others.

    In XML tab:
    Paste XML code

    Click green V symbol.

    Return to your standard view.
  • DaiWizardDaiWizard MemberPosts:6Contributor II

    Thank you wessel for your tips but I'm afraid it looks too complicated for me, I think I cannot handle (understand) it completely. Therefore I've created a PDF - file that you could view using this link:http://www.professor-heusenstamm.com/model.pdf

    Bild 1 shows my original process, Bild 2 is the content of the validation operator.

    Bild 4 is my latest progress :-) I've inserted the "Log - Operator" and defined here the values for performance and prediction accuracy.

    Bild 5 shows the result of the latter.

    My question is: Did I insert the Log - operator at the correct position in the process (Bild4) to be sure it delivers the performance of the predicted n+1 value, that's content of "Read Excel (2)" or do I have to rearrange / add something ???

    As usual I'm looking forward to anybodies comments.

  • wesselwessel MemberPosts:537Guru
    My process (I call this process not model) looks like this:


    I used this button to create a new perspective (I named this perspective XML):

    So now my screen looks like:

    This is easy for sharing processes.
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