"text visualizer"
Hi ,
i get this error when i try to use text analyser :
10:43:52 AM WARNING: Error creating renderer: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.rapidminer.operator.visualization.TextVisualizer cannot be cast to com.rapidminer.operator.visualization.TextVisualizer
ps : for info, only a "exa" port of a processdocument output is connectect to textvisualizer.
my version is Rapidminer version 5 3 008
i get this error when i try to use text analyser :
10:43:52 AM WARNING: Error creating renderer: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.rapidminer.operator.visualization.TextVisualizer cannot be cast to com.rapidminer.operator.visualization.TextVisualizer
ps : for info, only a "exa" port of a processdocument output is connectect to textvisualizer.
my version is Rapidminer version 5 3 008
i have installed "information extraction"
in "manager extensions" i can see it's version 1.0.0.
The TextVisualizer from the IE plugin gives me this error when I try to run the first sample (1_Read-Tokenize-Visualize).
插件是破碎的/不再有r supported? There seem to have been no updates over the last two years.
So to get the IE plugin to work correctly, you need to download the latest jar here:
Uninstall the Marketplace version, if you have it installed.
Then, place the jar (rapidminer-Information-Extraction-1.0.2.jar) in your $RAPIDMINER_HOMER/lib/plugins directory.
To get the examples I mentioned above, do:
svn checkouthttps://svn.code.sf.net/p/ieplugin4rm/code/informationextractionplugin_Vega/trunk/informationExtraction_Vega/samples/
mv samples ~/.RapidMiner/repositories/MyRepo/
Finally, the IE plugin works! (Well, the examples, at least - still have to see if this is generally true...)
Restart RapidMiner.
this is not an extension developed by us so we can't do much about the marketplace version.
Thanks for sharing how to get it to work though!