Decision tree path
Hi, I'm new to the use of this tool and need someone to help me to clarify a question. The question is: have built a model using apprentice a decision tree in order to perform a series of forecasts. Is it possible to see which route or specific path that follows the model for such a forecast?
Sorry for the mistakes in the text and in the way of publishing, English is not my language and may not have found the right way to express myself.
Sorry for the mistakes in the text and in the way of publishing, English is not my language and may not have found the right way to express myself.
I've used Tree to Rules to separate the decision tree rules (this is personal choice) and then used Generate Attributes to show the Rule applied to each scored example.
A greeting.
i would be very careful in doing this. Beginners often think, that they can change the model so it fits more to their needs. This somehow breaks the idea of predictive modelling and makes you very vulnerable for overtraining.
In your case i would rather think about a better weighting for your examples together with a better performance measure.
Dortmund, Germany