Problems loading additional libraries
Hello RapidMiner Team
我have developed a small plugin which relies on an external java library. After a checkout of the RapidMinerGui.bat - file I decided it were the easiest way to copy the jar-file to the RAPIDMINER_HOME/libs directory. Using RapidMinerGUI.bat as startup file works perfectly, but executing the RapidMiner.exe from the windows-community edition results (as far as I see) not in the loading of the mentioned library.
我s this possible or am I simply on the wrong track ?
Putting the library on the CLASSPATH manually does not work also, since you are not using the value of CLASSPATH (as far as I see).
这是一个错误或故意行为吗?我am just curious...
kind regards,
我have developed a small plugin which relies on an external java library. After a checkout of the RapidMinerGui.bat - file I decided it were the easiest way to copy the jar-file to the RAPIDMINER_HOME/libs directory. Using RapidMinerGUI.bat as startup file works perfectly, but executing the RapidMiner.exe from the windows-community edition results (as far as I see) not in the loading of the mentioned library.
我s this possible or am I simply on the wrong track ?
Putting the library on the CLASSPATH manually does not work also, since you are not using the value of CLASSPATH (as far as I see).
这是一个错误或故意行为吗?我am just curious...
kind regards,
the common way to add external libraries is to include the defalted files into the jar file containing the plugin. We are using special ant targets to achieve this. You might take a look at the ant file of the Text Plugin, where this is done.
Thanks for the quick reply... I checked the Text Plugin ... I have got a bad feeling about this strategy, but I guess it is the easiest way.
Thanks again
kind regards,
the problem is, that java does not support jars in jars. And since each plugin has its own class loader, this is not the easiest but the only way around.
But I share your feeling