How to use MongoDB in RapidMiner community version?
MemberPosts:2Contributor I
I need to use no-sql database MongoDB with RapidMiner. There is a connector for mongoDB in RapidMiner but only in the professional licensed version. Is there any MongoDB connector in Rapidminer community version?
Maybe ask RM for a trial licence of RM Studio professional &, if it proves worth it to your projectupgrade to the full version?
Alternative options:
With that, you don't need to export your data to PostgreSQL, just define access rules ("Foreign Tables") for your MongoDB queries.
That's even the approach MongoDB uses with their BI Connector: if that connector is proprietary).
Great to know.
They can do amazing things.
Maybe one day there'll be a RapidMiner Foreign Data Wrapper for executing RapidMiner processes in the database. That would be really cool.
Dortmund, Germany
Not something that can be done by novice GUI users, probably.