"RM Frezees trying to connect to PostgreSQL"
Hi Guys, Thanks for the space. I'm trying to connect to myPostgreSQL DB 9.2Data Warehouse and every time I trythe RM seems to freeze. I've tried using the PostgreSQL driver which comes withRM CEand I've also tried with one that I had downloaded from the PostgreSQL (9.2) . I've tried connecting with aMySQLDB and everything works fine.
Do you have any idea what could be happening?
Thanks you very much!!
Do you have any idea what could be happening?
Thanks you very much!!
where does the database run? Is it on the same machine as RapidMiner, in a local network, or do you access it via the internet?
Best regards,
I'm the first one with this problem?
What information could be of use for you to know more about this issue?
Thanks you again.
The PostgreSQL JDBC driver takes very long when connecting because it communicates lots of data "interactively" with the server.
It isn't noticeable in a local network but I regularly see 45 seconds of connect time when used over good internet links to a remote PostgreSQL server, not only with RapidMiner but with other Java programs as well.
Maybe you just need to wait?
You can use Wireshark or some other network measuring tool to see if RapidMiner is still communicating with the server.
There is a newly developed beta JDBC driver athttp://impossibl.github.io/pgjdbc-ng/using asynchronous IO. When I tested it, connections to the server were much quicker. But it's a beta version.
If you are willing to test it (e. g. for a development project without important business data), it could do what you want and reduce you connect times.