"How do I download Text plugin for word vector tool in Rapidminer?"
I have to use the word vector tool for vector space model. How do I install it? It is not there in the help-->updates in rapidminer. I am using Rapidminer 5.3 right now. Please provide me the link and steps to install it.
The text plugin given in www.sourceforge.net is not working for me because its an old version or not compatible with rapidminer 5.3.
The text plugin given in www.sourceforge.net is not working for me because its an old version or not compatible with rapidminer 5.3.
"Help" -> "Marketplace and Updates" -> search for "Text".
(I downloaded the .jar files from its website, and paste it in lib/plugin folder , website:http://sourceforge.net/projects/wvtool/?source=typ_redirect)
What is the reason?
it should work. We will try to reproduce the problem and investigate if we experience the same issue.