Genetic Optimization Algorithm in Clinical Assessment of Chronic Wounds
德ar RM community,
Who might be interested to co-author for an article on genetic optimization using rapidminer. The paper would be sent to a medical journal.
The article is ready for about 90%. If you might be interested, I send you the paper in progress.
Who might be interested to co-author for an article on genetic optimization using rapidminer. The paper would be sent to a medical journal.
The article is ready for about 90%. If you might be interested, I send you the paper in progress.
I also working on liver cancer please suggest the way how can we find out the accuracy,AOC,specificity,precision etc.
Hi Sven,
I am pursuing a MD/PhD programm in France. I am working on computer assisted deep brain
stimulation surgery.
I also used genetic algorithm to optimize the parameters of artificial neural network. Please see Baumgarten C, Zhao Y, Sauleau P, Malrain C, Jannin P, Haegelen C. Image-guided preoperative prediction of pyramidal tract side effect in deep brain stimulation. In: Webster RJ, Yaniv ZR, eds. Vol 9786. SPIE; 2016:97860U–8. doi:10.1117/12.2216314; if you are interested.
I also might share some process with you.
Are you still working on your manuscript ?
Clément Baumgarten
We are working on various manuscripts using RapidMiner in medicine (
I am interested in your further research.