"using a 3rd party API"
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Hi...I am foolishly trying to do something beyond my comp sci abilities - extending RM. Specifically I am trying to use this API within "Execute Script" in order to pull data into RM:
Help? I have NOT done the tutorial on how to build RM extensions as I am not a programmer and certainly do not know how to program in Groovy or Gradle. The API was pulled from here:https://github.com/benwaffle/PSlib
import com.benwaffle.pslib.PSlib;I put the PSlib.jar file into the /lib folder and I get an error that says..."unable to resolve class com.benwaffle.pslib.PSlib..."
PSlib api = new PSlib("https://ps01.bergen.org");
Grade[] grades = api.getCourses()[0].getGrades();
for (Grade g : grades)
system . out。printf (" % s -%d%%", g.name(), g.score());
Help? I have NOT done the tutorial on how to build RM extensions as I am not a programmer and certainly do not know how to program in Groovy or Gradle. The API was pulled from here:https://github.com/benwaffle/PSlib
you are on the right track - however the .jar you added to your /lib folder does not contain the class "com.benwaffle.pslib.PSlib". You can open a .jar with any tool used to extract .zip files. You can then have a look at the folders and .class files in there. Folders represent the package structure (e.g. "com.benwaffle.pslib"), and the .class files are the actual Java classes (e.g. "PSlib").
你会发现无论是文件夹还是一堂课s exist in the .jar which is why you Studio complained it knew nothing about the imported class.
I was hoping you would chime in to help.
Yes that part I understand but I believe the file is in the jar file. Here is a screenshot of the file structure when I unzip:
so as far as I can see, the class "com.benwaffle.pslib.PSlib" seems to be in psapi.jar. Am I missing something?
I cannot access that link. I checked the jar available for download on github. Anyway, I quickly threw together an example. Simply place the test.jar in the lib folder and execute the process below. A popup dialog should appear and convince you that it works
Download:test.jar Regards,
Thanks so much - I got that to work easily and will go back and see why this other file does not work. The template is very useful.