R Operators
In the Videos on the R extention , the presenter mentions the use of R operators .
On the website( url below) I find mention of these operators ie
ie k-Nearest Neighbor from kknn package: kknn
Naive Bayes from e1071 package: naiveBayes
Linear Discriminant Analysis from MASS package: lda
Quadratic Discriminant Analysis from MASS package: qda
Regularized Discriminant Analysis from klaR package: rda
Mixture Discriminant Analysis from mda package: mda
Logistic Regression from stats package: lm
Decision Tree from rpart package: rpart
Random Forest from randomForest package: randomForest
Boosting from ada package: ada
Boosting from adabag package: adaboost.M1
Gradient boosting machine from gbm package: gbm
Support Vector Machines from kernlab package: ksvm
Neural Network from nnet package: nnet
Simple linear regression from stats package: lm
从处罚pa岭回归ckage: penalized
Lasso regression from penalized package: penalized
K-Nearest-Neighbor regression from kknn package: kknn
Gradient boosting machine from gbm package: gbm
Gradient boosting with regression trees from mboost package: blackboost
Support Vector Machines from kernlab package: ksvm
Neural Network from nnet package: nnet
Where are they???
..I am running RM v6.4 , the extention is loaded and working but I cant find the operators. Where can I get them
Can anybody at RM direct me
Regards and Thanks
On the website( url below) I find mention of these operators ie
ie k-Nearest Neighbor from kknn package: kknn
Naive Bayes from e1071 package: naiveBayes
Linear Discriminant Analysis from MASS package: lda
Quadratic Discriminant Analysis from MASS package: qda
Regularized Discriminant Analysis from klaR package: rda
Mixture Discriminant Analysis from mda package: mda
Logistic Regression from stats package: lm
Decision Tree from rpart package: rpart
Random Forest from randomForest package: randomForest
Boosting from ada package: ada
Boosting from adabag package: adaboost.M1
Gradient boosting machine from gbm package: gbm
Support Vector Machines from kernlab package: ksvm
Neural Network from nnet package: nnet
Simple linear regression from stats package: lm
从处罚pa岭回归ckage: penalized
Lasso regression from penalized package: penalized
K-Nearest-Neighbor regression from kknn package: kknn
Gradient boosting machine from gbm package: gbm
Gradient boosting with regression trees from mboost package: blackboost
Support Vector Machines from kernlab package: ksvm
Neural Network from nnet package: nnet
Where are they???
..I am running RM v6.4 , the extention is loaded and working but I cant find the operators. Where can I get them
Can anybody at RM direct me
Regards and Thanks
this website is quite a few years old and is about RapidMiner 5.3.
Since 6.4, the old R extension has been replaced with the more powerful and easier to setup "R Scripting" extension. Thus the operators mentioned there are no longer available.
Thanks Marco
Will they be building new ones or can I find the old ones and get their codes. I have the older version and can see the R operators
I presume the R code for these is not available to the user ie I see no file referred to
Thanks for the help
I have no idea, this is not maintained by RapidMiner.