R Operators

gbortz27gbortz27 MemberPosts:22Contributor I
edited October 2019 inHelp
In the Videos on the R extention , the presenter mentions the use of R operators .

On the website( url below) I find mention of these operators ie

ie k-Nearest Neighbor from kknn package: kknn
Naive Bayes from e1071 package: naiveBayes
Linear Discriminant Analysis from MASS package: lda
Quadratic Discriminant Analysis from MASS package: qda
Regularized Discriminant Analysis from klaR package: rda
Mixture Discriminant Analysis from mda package: mda
Logistic Regression from stats package: lm
Decision Tree from rpart package: rpart
Random Forest from randomForest package: randomForest
Boosting from ada package: ada
Boosting from adabag package: adaboost.M1
Gradient boosting machine from gbm package: gbm
Support Vector Machines from kernlab package: ksvm
Neural Network from nnet package: nnet
Simple linear regression from stats package: lm
从处罚pa岭回归ckage: penalized
Lasso regression from penalized package: penalized
K-Nearest-Neighbor regression from kknn package: kknn
Gradient boosting machine from gbm package: gbm
Gradient boosting with regression trees from mboost package: blackboost
Support Vector Machines from kernlab package: ksvm
Neural Network from nnet package: nnet

Where are they???
..I am running RM v6.4 , the extention is loaded and working but I cant find the operators. Where can I get them

Can anybody at RM direct me

Regards and Thanks



  • Marco_BoeckMarco_Boeck Administrator, Moderator, Employee, Member, University ProfessorPosts:1,984RM Engineering

    this website is quite a few years old and is about RapidMiner 5.3.
    Since 6.4, the old R extension has been replaced with the more powerful and easier to setup "R Scripting" extension. Thus the operators mentioned there are no longer available.

  • gbortz27gbortz27 MemberPosts:22Contributor I
    Hi ,

    Thanks Marco

    Will they be building new ones or can I find the old ones and get their codes. I have the older version and can see the R operators

    I presume the R code for these is not available to the user ie I see no file referred to

    Thanks for the help
  • Marco_BoeckMarco_Boeck Administrator, Moderator, Employee, Member, University ProfessorPosts:1,984RM Engineering

    I have no idea, this is not maintained by RapidMiner.

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