"Description missing when running Execute R [SOLVED]"
MemberPosts:11Contributor I
I tried to use Execute R to run one of the tutorials-Reading an example set from a file using R. But when I clicked the triangle sign, it pops up an error "Description missing". I am using Windows 8.1 64 bits and I have installed packages "rJava" and "data.table" in my R. I do not know how to configure my R in Rapidminer. Please tell me how to solve this problem.
can you please post the content of the log as well as your process XML?
With the R Scripting extension the only thing you'd normally have to do is click on the operator and then follow the instructions in the Parameters view to initialize the R connection.
2015年8月11日6:39:19点INFO: No filename given for result file, using stdout for logging results!
2015年8月11日6:39:19点INFO: Loading initial data.
2015年8月11日6:39:19点INFO: Process starts
2015年8月11日6:39:19点SEVERE: Process failed: No message.
2015年8月11日6:39:19点SEVERE: Here:
2015年8月11日6:39:19点SEVERE: Process[1] (Process)
2015年8月11日6:39:19点SEVERE: subprocess 'Main Process'
2015年8月11日6:39:19点SEVERE: +- Retrieve Golf[1] (Retrieve)
2015年8月11日6:39:19点SEVERE: ==> +- Execute R[1] (Execute R)
2015年8月11日6:39:19点SEVERE: +- Execute R (2)[0] (Execute R)
And the xml:
<宏/ >
that the error message is missing is a bug
But the good news is, you just need to init the connection to R like so:
mine is located at
C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.0\bin\Rscript.exe
Windows 8.1
Dortmund, Germany
what OS are you using? I cannot reproduce the problem on the Windows machines here, but I think I know what you can do to fix it: Add a quote before and after the path, so that it says in the preferences.