US Government Open Data
Here you will find data, tools, and resources to conduct research, develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more. There are over 180,000 data sets neatly arranged by topic.
Production, food security, nutrition, prices
US Trade in Goods and Services, Trade Flows, Expenditures by Consumers and Business
Coastal flooding, food resilience, human health, Artic region
US Trade, Family Expenditures, Food retailing.
Weather, sea-levels, soil, vegetation etc.
300 data sets covering topics as diverse as: Loans, employment, enrollment, crime and saftey
280+ data sets covering consumer and business usage, oil and gas, nuclear
Banking, lending, retirement, investments, and insurance.
FDA, Five Decades of Data on Smoking, the Health Datapalooza and lots more.
State, local and tribal
Federal R&D, Production, Capital Expenditure
Vessel tracking and marine planning
Information on product recalls, policing, transportation (but not the Titanic data – you can find thathere)
A mixed back of data on R&D, employment and technology licensing