How to Connect a Teradata Database to Studio?
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How to connect a Teradata database to RapidMiner Studio?
Note: This article does not cover Teradata Aster
The Teradata JDBC driver package includes two jar files, one containing the driver and another one with a config file in it. The driver only works when both files are linked via the classpath.
Step-by-step guide
Add the steps involved:
- Please download the appropriate JDBC drivers from Teradata and copy all its jar files to the folder "lib/jdbc" inside your RapidMiner Studio installation directory. This ensures that the driver classes are part of the java classpath.
- Next go to the database driver management dialog.
- For the jar file dialog manually enter both path statements comma separated to address both files (e.g. /path-to-rapidminer-folder/lib/jdbc/terajdbc4.jar,/path-to-rapidminer-folder/lib/jdbc/tdgssconfig.jar).
- Teradata JDBC drivers seem to offer no support for port settings. Please leave the port field blank, otherwise a connection cannot be established.
- The driver setup should look similar to the setup shown in this image:
- Sr. Director Data Solutions, Altair RapidMiner -
Dortmund, Germany
Dortmund, Germany
For convenience, here is the link to the JAR files:
and default path to the jdbc folder on desktop:
C:\Program Files\RapidMiner\RapidMiner Studio\lib\jdbc
For additional convenience, here is the link to the Snowflake JAR files:
Please see here for how to do this now (MySQL is used as an example, but it works for any JDBC driver):