Read ACCESS database error
Hi everyone,
I can try read access but it error. somefile can read somefile cannot.
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Hi everyone,
I can try read access but it error. somefile can read somefile cannot.
There are a number of things that can cause these exceptions, do you happen to see anything inside of your logview? You can view a detailed log inside of Views -> Show View -> Log
Hi JessForbesRM,
This is log
Apologies for the confusion, when you open up the specific log view you will be able to see rapidminer's log file - it will include more context to the error.
You can add the log view by selecting View -> Show Panel -> Log. I personally like to keep it open as a tab behind my process view to make sure I can see exactly what is happening with my process when it's executed.
Once you see the log feel free to copy and paste it here, it will help us troubleshoot your error.
Hi JessForbesRM,
我添加了日志视图通过选择视图- >显示Panel -> Log
This is mymicrosoft access file
Thank you,
Thanks for sharing your access file with us.
A quick update, we downloaded the file and tried to open on our side with Microsoft Access 2007, but it failed with error to locate to your
Sorry for wrong file.
This is newmicrosoft access file
Thank you,