
BalazsBaranyBalazsBarany 管理员,版主,员工,RapidMiner认证分析师,RapidMiner认证专家职位:909独角兽
2018年11月编辑 知识库






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  • JEdwardJEdward RapidMiner认证分析师,RapidMiner认证专家,成员职位:578独角兽











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  • BalazsBaranyBalazsBarany 管理员,版主,员工,RapidMiner认证分析师,RapidMiner认证专家职位:909独角兽







  • BalazsBaranyBalazsBarany 管理员,版主,员工,RapidMiner认证分析师,RapidMiner认证专家职位:909独角兽


    无论如何,我们应该把这个讨论带到工作室区域;你得到的输出正是你应该从“Append with Union”中得到的。

  • 781194025781194025 成员职位:32贡献我




    2366 iPhone自杀激怒中国苹果供应商?????????? ? /Neutral/Surprise Neutral Chinese Apple supplier, iPhone suicidehttp://www.cbc.ca/news/world/iphone-suicide-ruffles-chinese-apple-supplier-1.855355???苹果公司(Apple Inc.)周三回应称,要求其供应商以尊严和尊重的方式对待工人。在中国生产iphone的一家工厂,一名员工在原型机丢失后自杀。遇难工人孙丹勇(音译)今年25岁,曾在富士康科技集团(Foxconn Technology Group)从事产品沟通工作。富士康是一家台湾公司,在靠近香港的南方城市深圳的一家大型工厂生产许多苹果产品。尽管苹果和富士康已经证实了孙的自杀,但他们并没有证实该地区最受欢迎的报纸之一《南方都市报》所报道的死亡情况的细节。苹果一直是记者、忠实客户和竞争对手的目标,他们不遗余力地想偷看一下苹果的最新产品。Sun负责向苹果公司发送iPhone原型机,7月13日,他报告说,他拥有的16部iPhone中有一部丢失了。据该报报道,他的朋友说,公司保安搜查了他的公寓,拘留了他并殴打了他。该报称,7月16日凌晨,孙从12楼跳下。 Security chief denies beatings Jill Tan, an Apple spokeswoman in Hong Kong, would only issue a brief statement about the incident. "We are saddened by the tragic loss of this young employee, and we are awaiting results of the investigations into his death," Tan said. "We require our suppliers to treat all workers with dignity and respect." Foxconn said in a statement that its security chief has been suspended and turned over to the police. But the security official, Gu Qinming, was quoted by the Southern Metropolis Daily as saying he never hit Sun. Gu reportedly said that after three security personnel searched Sun's apartment and did not find the phone, the employee was ordered to go to Gu's office on July 15. The security chief said he didn't think Sun was being truthful about the phone, the paper reported. "I got a bit agitated. I pointed my finger at him and said that he was trying to shift the blame," Gu was quoted as saying. He added, "I was a little angry and I pulled his right shoulder once to get him to tell me what happened. It [the beating] couldn't have happened." Local police declined to respond to questions from The Associated Press. Foxconn executive Li Jinming said in a statement that Sun's death showed that the company needed to do a better job helping its employees with psychological pressures. "Sun Danyong graduated from a good school. He joined the company in 2008. He had an extremely bright future. The group and I feel deep pain and regret when a young person dies like this." © The Associated Press, 2009 Report Typo or Error Send Feedback Stay Connected with CBC News Mobile Facebook Podcasts Twitter Alerts Newsletter ? The Associated Press Posted: Jul 22, 2009 5:22 AM ET Last Updated: Jul 22, 2009 5:14 AM ET ? ? ? ? ? Surprise N 100.0 AGREEMENT OBJECTIVE NONIRONIC neg 0.0
    iPhone自杀激怒中国苹果供应商?????????? ? /Neutral/Surprise Neutral Chinese Apple supplier, iPhone suicidehttp://www.cbc.ca/news/world/iphone-suicide-ruffles-chinese-apple-supplier-1.855355???苹果公司(Apple Inc.)周三回应称,要求其供应商以尊严和尊重的方式对待工人。在中国生产iphone的一家工厂,一名员工在原型机丢失后自杀。遇难工人孙丹勇(音译)今年25岁,曾在富士康科技集团(Foxconn Technology Group)从事产品沟通工作。富士康是一家台湾公司,在靠近香港的南方城市深圳的一家大型工厂生产许多苹果产品。尽管苹果和富士康已经证实了孙的自杀,但他们并没有证实该地区最受欢迎的报纸之一《南方都市报》所报道的死亡情况的细节。苹果一直是记者、忠实客户和竞争对手的目标,他们不遗余力地想偷看一下苹果的最新产品。Sun负责向苹果公司发送iPhone原型机,7月13日,他报告说,他拥有的16部iPhone中有一部丢失了。据该报报道,他的朋友说,公司保安搜查了他的公寓,拘留了他并殴打了他。该报称,7月16日凌晨,孙从12楼跳下。 Security chief denies beatings Jill Tan, an Apple spokeswoman in Hong Kong, would only issue a brief statement about the incident. "We are saddened by the tragic loss of this young employee, and we are awaiting results of the investigations into his death," Tan said. "We require our suppliers to treat all workers with dignity and respect." Foxconn said in a statement that its security chief has been suspended and turned over to the police. But the security official, Gu Qinming, was quoted by the Southern Metropolis Daily as saying he never hit Sun. Gu reportedly said that after three security personnel searched Sun's apartment and did not find the phone, the employee was ordered to go to Gu's office on July 15. The security chief said he didn't think Sun was being truthful about the phone, the paper reported. "I got a bit agitated. I pointed my finger at him and said that he was trying to shift the blame," Gu was quoted as saying. He added, "I was a little angry and I pulled his right shoulder once to get him to tell me what happened. It [the beating] couldn't have happened." Local police declined to respond to questions from The Associated Press. Foxconn executive Li Jinming said in a statement that Sun's death showed that the company needed to do a better job helping its employees with psychological pressures. "Sun Danyong graduated from a good school. He joined the company in 2008. He had an extremely bright future. The group and I feel deep pain and regret when a young person dies like this." © The Associated Press, 2009 Report Typo or Error Send Feedback Stay Connected with CBC News Mobile Facebook Podcasts Twitter Alerts Newsletter ? The Associated Press Posted: Jul 22, 2009 5:22 AM ET Last Updated: Jul 22, 2009 5:14 AM ET ? ? ? ? ? Surprise N 100.0 AGREEMENT OBJECTIVE NONIRONIC ? ?

  • 781194025781194025 成员职位:32贡献我
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  • JEdwardJEdward RapidMiner认证分析师,RapidMiner认证专家,成员职位:578独角兽

    与前面的海报一样,您需要聚合或连接。Union Append不是你想要的。@781194025
