New Logistic Regression Operator in Version 7.3
I'm glad finally there is an operator in Rapidminer to estimatestandardlogistic regression. My question has to do with the class defined as "success". Let's say I have a binomial label Y with two possible outcome "A" or "B". Which equation is being estimated by RM:
P( Y = "A" | regressors ) = Exp( beta*X) / (1 + Exp(beta*X) )
P( Y = "B" | regressors ) = Exp( beta*X) / (1 + Exp(beta*X) ).
之前我使用了这个操作符变得可用Weka operator W-Logistic. The output of this operator indicated the Class used as "success" (for instance in the output below the modeled class is "false".