New Logistic Regression Operator in Version 7.3

earmijoearmijo MemberPosts:270Unicorn
edited November 2018 inHelp

I'm glad finally there is an operator in Rapidminer to estimatestandardlogistic regression. My question has to do with the class defined as "success". Let's say I have a binomial label Y with two possible outcome "A" or "B". Which equation is being estimated by RM:

P( Y = "A" | regressors ) = Exp( beta*X) / (1 + Exp(beta*X) )


P( Y = "B" | regressors ) = Exp( beta*X) / (1 + Exp(beta*X) ).

之前我使用了这个操作符变得可用Weka operator W-Logistic. The output of this operator indicated the Class used as "success" (for instance in the output below the modeled class is "false".

Screen Shot 2017-02-10 at 2.51.58 PM.png

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