Viola-Jones IMMI - java_lang_runtimepermission

filippo_tagariefilippo_tagarie MemberPosts:7Contributor I
edited November 2018 inHelp

I am the beginning and I am studyng IMMI extension,

in the execution of Viola jones process I encounter a java_lang Runtime permission (see file attached )

The process was downloaded from rapdiminerbook chapter21

Does any one how to solve it ?

Thanks in advance




  • Thomas_OttThomas_Ott RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, MemberPosts:1,761Unicorn

    A few things, the Image Mining extension is a 3rd party extension and maybe@Vaclavcan chime in here.

    You neglected to post what version of RapidMiner you are using. There were some security enhancements to V7.2 (or7.3) that maybe interfering with the extension.

  • VaclavVaclav RapidMiner Certified Expert, MemberPosts:23Maven

    Hello Filippo,

    as@Thomas_Ottmentioned you need to tell us what is your version of RapidMiner and Image extension. There were introduced security manager which limit some features, but in newer version of RM it should work.

    Best wishes


  • filippo_tagariefilippo_tagarie MemberPosts:7Contributor I

    The version is 7.4

    Thanks in advance

  • filippo_tagariefilippo_tagarie MemberPosts:7Contributor I

    I am trying to replicate the process of the Book Rapidminer DAta mining use case at page 371 with data downloaded by the website

    FIG 21.13 Process for pattern detection

  • VaclavVaclav RapidMiner Certified Expert, MemberPosts:23Maven

    Hello Filippo,

    I think you have older version of the extension. Here is a link for the latest download:

    (I think process for Viola-Jones will be little different, but there are some example).

    And here is documentation:

    Hope this helps.

    Best wishes

  • filippo_tagariefilippo_tagarie MemberPosts:7Contributor I


    thanks for you info.

    It seems that lot is changed from the previous version. I will need some time to understand and study novelties.

    I was using rapidminer-ImageMiner-1.4.1.jar. A lot of operator changed ! Not very easy for me to test new operator

    In the document you send me there are a lot of reference to examples.How can I have these example ?

    Thanks in advance


    [email protected]

  • filippo_tagariefilippo_tagarie MemberPosts:7Contributor I

    I have troubles with new version could you help me

    I am trying a very simple process < Open example image >

  • VaclavVaclav RapidMiner Certified Expert, MemberPosts:23Maven

    Hello Filippo,

    the examples are in the operator's help. Right down corner, at the end.

    The problem with java_lang_runtimepermission is because of RapidMiner permission for extensions. I had version 7.3 of RM and it works there. Now I have upadted to 7.4 and it is not working. But I have to blame RM developers for this. They are changing it without warning.

    Problem is with operators that reads some files from the extension. So Read Image operator shoud work.

    I have to send the extension to RM and they will sign the jar file and it will work then. It will take some time. So be patient. Thank you.

    Best wishes,


  • filippo_tagariefilippo_tagarie MemberPosts:7Contributor I


    In the meanwhile I am using new version without direct access to example data

    I have some other topic (not bug) but probably it is better I open another thread. I will close this once you give me the update

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