Write for Us program at the Community - PHASE II!
As promised in the first annoucment of theWrite for Us program, here is Phase II. In this phase we want to start giving people cold hard cash for writing and sharing interesting Building Blocks and Knowledge Base articles. I'll update theCommunity News Section所有的细节,但美w is the jist of it all.
Building Blocks
If you have an interesting Building Block that you'd like to share, then send over a paragraph and a sample process with it to me. We'll review it and if accepted, go ahead and write up a detailed explanation of what the Building Block does, along with the Building Block itself and a sample process. We'll pay you $20 (USD) per Building Block once we received your writeup, reviewed it, and posted it.
Knowledge Base Articles
Knowledge Base (KB) articles are also a great way to show off how to do something with RapidMiner Studio, Server, or Radoop. The same process applies to this as with the Building Blocks above. If you have an idea for a great Knowledge Base Article, send me a short paragraph with your idea. If accepted, then go ahead and start writing.
A few things to do when writing a KB article, make sure to:
- include images;
- detailed explanations of each step, and;
- include sample process that can easily be reproduced.
For a short KB article we'll pay you $25 (USD) and for a long KB article we'll pay $50 (USD). What's the difference between a short and long KB article? That's easy.
A short KB article is on how do a simple thing. Like pass aJSON file to RapidMiner Serveror how tosave a R or Python modelin RapidMiner. A long KB article would include a full use case and the application of RapidMiner thru the entire development cycle. It could include the mashup of scripts too (Groovy, Python, R, etc). Of course you should provide sample process and data (anonymized if required).
Disclaimers apply, of course. Partners and Employees are not allowed to take part in the program, and we reserve to right to change anything at anytime.