Results History

JeffChowaniecJeffChowaniec Employee, MemberPosts:13RM Data Scientist
edited November 2018 inKnowledge Base

How To Utilize The Results Overview Tab

For every process you run in Rapidminer studio, the results are temorarily stored for that session. You can see all of those results by navigating to the Results tab and navigating to the Results History tab.

ResultsHistory.pngNavigating to the Results History Tab

Re-open the Results

You can re-open the result by right clicking on one of the results in your history and selecting the Re-open Result Option

ReopenResult.pngRe-open Result

打开The Process

You can also open the process that generated the results. This is a form of version control when prototyping in studio. To do this, navigate to the folder in the top right of the individual result and click on that button.

SingleResultHistory.pngOpen the process that generated these results


  • jaybusiness86jaybusiness86 MemberPosts:8Contributor II


    I am not able to see the output from the results but my process are running perfectly.

    I have tried navigating to all the options available in the Rapid MinerGUI.

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