Parse SVG XML files
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Hi...I'd love to see a way for the "Read XML" operator to be adapted so that it can easily read SVG vector image files, broken down by image, subimage, segment, etc... It would be a great way to do image analysis!!
FYI I know there is a Java SVG parser publicly available...could this be used?
Hi Scott,
how would the resulting table look like?
Dortmund, Germany
Excellent questionHere's what I think would make sense..
Original XML SVG file:
Width, title, desc all in metadata - only paths in example set:
path command x y x1 x2 y1 y2 width height fill stroke stroke-width
rect 1 1 398 398 none blue
d M 100 100
d L 300 100
d L 200 300
d z red blue 3
The key for me here is both to break out the shapes AND to de-pivot the paths.