RM Server putting all tables in the Postgres public schema
I got RM talking to Postgres, but instead of putting its tables in the schema I indicated, they are all in the public schema. Is there a way around this?
http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">data/jdbc/postgresql-9.3-1101-jdbc4.jar true org.postgresql.Driver mypass 5432 rapidminer PostgreSQL mymachine.cy5mwbb5zo5d.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com myuser null true 8080 /opt/rapidminer mykey false 25 SUSE 2048 1081 RapidMiner_Server_7_5_1 RMS751SVC false
<输入键= " radoop_proxy_enable " > false
Best Answer
rachel_lomasky MemberPosts:52Guru
The db_url is:
my_database. , where is the IP of my database machine.0
@BalazsBaranyany pointers for@rachel_lomasky?
Just to clarify:
Some other databases have a different meaning of schema than PostgreSQL.
In PostgreSQL, there's a "database" that can contain schemas. The default schema is "public". You can create schemas with "CREATE SCHEMA myschema" and deselect the "use default schema" checkbox in RapidMiner to refer your schema.
This works well, I use RapidMiner heavily with PostgreSQL.
That's for the RM configuration tables, not the data that I am working with?