RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, MemberPosts:1,761Unicorn
Welcome to another edition of the Community Roundup! Here are a few interesting links from around the Community and the Interwebz
From the Community:
- Community Member@sgenzerissues adata challenge. He throws down the guantlet, dare to pick it up? There's cash and prizes and some Maple Syrup too!
- New Community Member@rolandarmbrusteis looking for help in predictingFinancial Time Series with RapidMiner.
- I completely forgot that Community Member@BalazsBaranyactually didMonte Carlo in RapidMiner! So yeah, we do that too.
- We finally solved the mystery of theH2O based Logistic Regressionoperator. Does it automatically use F1 to optimize itself? Yes, it does.
- Great new KB article onEntity Sentiment and Extraction!
From around the Interwebz:
- Ingo started his own personal blog. Here he talks aboutNaive Bayes!
- Yours truly started a乐鱼平台进入reading list!
- Google's quest fortime series at scale!
- Must know onhow to evaluate a binary classifier!
- 5 nanometers or bust! Newbreakthrough in semiconductorsby IBM!