First the news, then the links!
We have some great news, the Community hit a few milestones last week. Community member@sgenzerdeclared@bigDthe winner of the first Community Data Challenge! This challenge was so much fun that we'll do another one in July, maybe something with an open data set. Keep your eyes peeled on the Community!
The next milestone was that we crossed over 250,000 Community Members! We'll be reaching out that member shortly and giving them some swag as a way to say thank you for being part of the Community!
Now the links!
1.K-means and Davis Boulbin! Community member@namachoco99has some questions and@mschmitzhelps him out.
2. The ongoing discussion abouthow to score a time series modelin RapidMiner!
3. Want to convertHex to Decimalsin RapidMiner? Just use this handy script!
4. How do you communicate aGradient Boosted Tree modelto your boss or non Data Scientists?
5. Working withRadoop and Amazon's EMRHadoop Distro.