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I have recently ran a sentiment analysis on Trump's tweets using Aylien and was wondering if there is a way to use rapidminer to calculate "daily average sentiment". So for example if one day he tweets twice positively and once negatively, there would be an average sentiment of (1+1-1)/3
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You could use Generate Attributes or something from thisKnowledge Base article.
I've already ran the sentiment analysis and am now looking to plot the sentment on time series - any ideas?
Yeah you can use maybe the Moving Average operator from the Time Series extension or just create a new attribute using Generate Attributes that does what you want. Then visualize it in Studio's Series plotter or on a Server Dashbord like so:https://sales.www.turtlecreekpls.com/faces/dynamicreport.xhtml?reportLocation=/home/ott/Boston2024/report/Boston2024Sentiment