Scott Genzer, new RapidMiner Community Manager

sgenzersgenzer Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM ModeratorPosts:2,959Community Manager
edited November 2018 inKnowledge Base

Hello RapidMiner Community,

Greetings from the woods of Vermont. For those who don't know me, this is Scott Genzer (@sgenzer)- longtime RapidMiner user/fanboy and the new RapidMiner Community Manager. I would like to write a blog note to just say hello and share a bit about me, my interests, and our vision for the Community moving forward.

A very quick bio of Scott (more onLinkedIn profile): B.S. Engineering (electrical), Columbia University '93, M.A. Mathematics Education, Columbia University '98. Served in the U.S. Peace Corps as a math teacher in Gabon (Central Africa) then worked in education in various locations (U.S., Poland, Zambia, Jamaica) for 15+ years. In 2013 I taught myself RapidMiner (version 5 back then!) and started Genzer Consulting, a data science consultancy where I worked with a variety of schools and companies - using RapidMiner as my main software platform. And now here I am, a very happy new official member of the RapidMiner family!

My interests, like my experiences, are quite varied but always have been a proud math / science / computer geek since I was a kid when I played with a RadioShack TRS-80 computer. I truly enjoy puzzles and solving complicated problems, no matter what the context (I am a terrible programmer and hence love working with the code-optional environment of RapidMiner!). I also love living in Vermont with walks in the woods, making maple syrup, and working in my woodshop during the long winters.

As for the Community, my vision is to pick up from the outstanding work that@Thomas_Ottdid and move it forward. Tom and I both believe that this is a true community where everyone shares and gains from the knowledge and experience of others. Hence my top priority is to ensure that all 250,000+ users are welcome and we keep this friendly forum running as the user base expands at its current fast clip. Other priorities include making community resources (processes, datasets, advice, buildingblocks, knowledgebase articles, etc...) accessible in a fast and simple manner, and creating monthly data science contests for fun, skillbuilding, and of course money + prizes.

That's about it from here. Again THANK YOU@Thomas_Ottfor all you have done for the Community. You left big shoes to fill and I am eager to carry the torch from here.

Hope to see you all here often!


BalazsBarany IngoRM Telcontar120 Thomas_Ott zprekopcsak pschlunder (删除用户)


  • twentworth12twentworth12 MemberPosts:2Contributor I

    Hey Scott,

    Looking forward to having you on the team!


  • kyrakyra MemberPosts:5Contributor I

    Hi Scott

    Hope you're well

    I reached out to Thomas Ott for some help with Rapid Miner and he recommended i reach out to you.

    I'm trying to integrate it into the company I'm at at the moment, but am having a bit of trouble. The Rapid Miner tutorials and webinars weren't helpful for me unfortunately as the questions I had were quite specific.

    What's the best way to share the questions I have with you?



  • sgenzersgenzer Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM ModeratorPosts:2,959Community Manager

    @kyra- thanks for the note:)Let me follow up via email. We have lots of folks that can help.


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