"Plot all predicitons in SlidingWindowValidation"

韦塞尔韦塞尔 MemberPosts:537Guru
edited May 2019 inHelp
Dear All,

I wish to plot all my predictions made in my SlidingWindowValidation.
Currently I can only plot the predictions made in the FIRST iteration of the SlidingWindowValidation!

To plot the FIRST iteration I have to:
Set a breakpoint in RegressionPerformance.
Click on:
DataTable Tab.
Plotter: Series
Index Dimension: Date
Plot series: [single_price, prediction(single_price)]
(A lot of work, would be nice if this could be automated)

现在我如何阴谋slidi预测ng my SlidingWindowValidation.
I figured on each iteration I could write the datasets the comes out of ModelApplier to a new dataset.
The problem is CSVExampleSetWriter overwrites the old results.csv on each iteration!
Is there any way to make it append, instead of overwrite?



Example XML
Yes I know this is not the way to predict single_price.
But this should be the way to evaluate the performance of the prediction.



  • haddockhaddock MemberPosts:849Maven
    Hi Wessel,

    Use the much unloved process log and his chums, like this...

  • 韦塞尔韦塞尔 MemberPosts:537Guru
    Weird, can't get it to work.
    My version is now only logging the last example, of each iteration...

    I think this is because your version only works with

    If I change it to 350, it only logs the first 1 in this window.

    <操作符名称= " id为0只"class="FeatureNameFilter">

  • landland RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, MemberPosts:2,531Unicorn
    just an idea, but if you want to merge all results, the following process variation could give you an impression of another way:

    I did not really test the process, so the setup might fail. But the way should be clear...

  • 韦塞尔韦塞尔 MemberPosts:537Guru
    I think it works like this:
    Although I don't understand why the 2 RegressionPerformance don't give the same results.
    21 vs 22...



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