I was hoping to use Excel and also Alpha Vantage based on an academic research paper that I was interested in seeing if the results could be replicated. (Based on Random Forests and US Stocks).
I found the free data on Quandl so bad in the past that it put me off subscribing, maybe things have improved as this was many years ago, but I take the point that it’s easy if you know how to “execute python operator, “ which I assume can be got from the Market Place.
I never really figured that getting a live market data feed into a ML would be difficult to do for a non coder. Is there an up to date thread on this forum about doing that, that I may have missed because I haven’t seen one and I’ve searched a lot on here. I guess there’s no harm for now getting on with Excel sheets first and learning to use RM.
也有人知道我有延迟的原因n writing on this forum using Firefox, Chrome or Safari? It literally is printing one character per second?? I’m having to use a text editor and paste it into RM forum. I get “a webpage is slowing down your browser“ warnings using these browsers when on this forum? I don’t get that anywhere else.
@SkyTrader I have not seen anything recent about getting a live feed of market data in RapidMiner---most ML projects I am familiar with are happy to get the data batched in daily via csv, at least during the Proof of Concept phase. If this is really critical, you could always try the paid option for Quandl for a month and see if it does what you want. Otherwise your best bet may be the python script, as you mention.
I have observed that some parts of the forum has been laggy lately but I am not sure what the cause is. I am curious, did you have the delay when starting a new thread? My hypothesis is that the delays are on pages that have long threads with lots of images and xml code blocks (like the original AlphaVantage post this came from). I was also having a hard time replying on that page, but I am not experiencing any delays in responding on this thread now.
Brian T. Lindon Ventures Data Science Consulting from Certified RapidMiner Experts
sgenzerAdministrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM ModeratorPosts:2,959Community Manager
hi...yes I too have been experiencing some lagging from time to time here on the community. It seems to be an issue "under the hood".I will continue to troubleshoot and if you can provide any insight as to potential causes, that would be helpful.
as for live market feed, I agree with@Telcontar120about just using the Quandl API. I have not tried it myself but I see no reason why it would not work...
Hi, thanks for the feedback@sgenzer,@Telcontar120and@hughesfleming68, much appreciated.
I was hoping to use Excel and also Alpha Vantage based on an academic research paper that I was interested in seeing if the results could be replicated. (Based on Random Forests and US Stocks).
I found the free data on Quandl so bad in the past that it put me off subscribing, maybe things have improved as this was many years ago, but I take the point that it’s easy if you know how to “execute python operator, “ which I assume can be got from the Market Place.
I never really figured that getting a live market data feed into a ML would be difficult to do for a non coder. Is there an up to date thread on this forum about doing that, that I may have missed because I haven’t seen one and I’ve searched a lot on here. I guess there’s no harm for now getting on with Excel sheets first and learning to use RM.
也有人知道我有延迟的原因n writing on this forum using Firefox, Chrome or Safari? It literally is printing one character per second?? I’m having to use a text editor and paste it into RM forum. I get “a webpage is slowing down your browser“ warnings using these browsers when on this forum? I don’t get that anywhere else.
I have not seen anything recent about getting a live feed of market data in RapidMiner---most ML projects I am familiar with are happy to get the data batched in daily via csv, at least during the Proof of Concept phase. If this is really critical, you could always try the paid option for Quandl for a month and see if it does what you want. Otherwise your best bet may be the python script, as you mention.
I have observed that some parts of the forum has been laggy lately but I am not sure what the cause is. I am curious, did you have the delay when starting a new thread? My hypothesis is that the delays are on pages that have long threads with lots of images and xml code blocks (like the original AlphaVantage post this came from). I was also having a hard time replying on that page, but I am not experiencing any delays in responding on this thread now.
Lindon Ventures
Data Science Consulting from Certified RapidMiner Experts
as for live market feed, I agree with@Telcontar120about just using the Quandl API. I have not tried it myself but I see no reason why it would not work...