"SMOTE resampling"
This question was already asked in 2011. Is there any RM operator(s)/extension for SMOTE resampling?
If not, I have to use Scripting. Unfortunately, I do not know how create build-in R/Python Scripts for SMOTE. If anybody could share the script I will appreciate it a lot.
Best Answer
Thomas_Ott RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, MemberPosts:1,761
Unfortutnately, I don't have a SMOTE Process but you can try to make it yourself in R here:http://amunategui.github.io/smote/
That said, there isn't a native SMOTE sampling operator in RapidMiner. Maybe there should be.
I think the immediate route is to write it in R or Python and then maybe post this as an idea for the fine RapidMiner developers to write!
Something to chew on here:http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/dealing-with-imbalanced-datasets
Thank you for the link, Thomas. I am not sure that I can implement this procedure in Python or R myself. I was hoping to find some less complicated solution. Can anybody help?
This is a pretty handy thing to have actually, I might write a building block for it this week if I have some free time.
It would very nice of you. I appreciate it a lot.
KB article,@Thomas_Ott? Wink wink?
Maybe. This is a busy week at the moment.