在sca显示黄土tter plot

One of the important purposes of visualizations is estimation of the effect of an attribute to the label. One of the basic visualizations for that purpose is a scatter plot. But sometimes, the effect is difficult to inspect visually. For that purpose other tools like SPSS, SAS or Orange provide ability to add a trendline. Even Excel has this feature.
Add a checkbox into scatter chart that says something like: "Show LOESS".
- LOESS is a reasonable non-parametric method, which can deal with non-linearities.
- It is already implemented in apache.commons.math3 library, which is already used by RapidMiner.
Implementation details:
- Show confidence intervals, not just the fitted curve, if possible.
- If "Color Column" is defined and is discrete, show a fit for each colour. Something likeMondriandoes. Including the transparency of the confidence intervals.
- Possibly respect sample weights, if specified.