Correlation Matrix does not include label attribute
Hi rapidminers,
Is there any reason for the fact that correlation matrix does not include label attribute (in case it is present in a dataset) and shows only regular ones?
Without label:
<参数键=“repository_entry”值= " / /样品s/data/Titanic"/>
<参数键=“repository_entry”值= " / /样品s/data/Titanic Training"/>
With label:
<参数键=“repository_entry”值= " / /样品s/data/Titanic"/>
<参数键=“repository_entry”值= " / /样品s/data/Titanic Training"/>
As an additional concern about correlation matrix.
What might be the reason that one of attributes shows mostly '?' (NaN) in the matrix, even with a correlation to itself?
Hi@kypexin- I do not have a PhD in Data Science like other folks here but I will simply say that not having the label in a correlation matrix makes perfect sense to me. In a correlation matrix, you are simply finding r (r^2 if you check the box) fornC2numerical attributes to see potential correlations two-by-two.
If you simply want the correlation of your attributes with the label, you can use "Weight by Correlation" to generate that.
Lindon Ventures
Data Science Consulting from Certified RapidMiner Experts
Thanks@sgenzer@Telcontar120, it's all clear.
Maybe I actually had to put the question in a different way: couldn't the label be automatically treated as a regular attribute in the process of matrix computation, at least by means of an option; it's clear to me that I can just turn it into a regular attribute manually before building the matrix. But that's more like a philosophical question
ah yes@kypexin我能清楚的明白你的意思。这是一个有效的point. I guess I always look at "labels" in RapidMiner as "special variables that should be treated separately from others". Hence all the checkboxes that say "include special attributes". So whether or not "include special attributes" should be in Correlation Matrix is a good question. I will throw it on my "interesting suggestions from community users to the dev team" list.