Filter Tokens by POS Tags slow

AndyKirAndyKir Member, University ProfessorPosts:3University Professor
edited December 2018 inHelp

I have Filter Tokens by POS Tags inside a loop and it's slow. My guess is that each iteration the tagger loads some data (dictionary?) from HD. Any tips on how to improve the performance? I see that same quesiton was asked 4 years ago and it was not answered.



  • 781194025781194025 MemberPosts:32Contributor I

    Try to pre-process the data as much as possible so the filter operation doesn't have to work as hard.

    I'm experimenting with disabling CPU hyper-threading, maybe you could try that? Another tip is set the amount of memory usable in settings to a higher amount.

    Otherwise, I dunno, some processes are SLOW!

  • kaymankayman MemberPosts:662Unicorn

    Use python NLTK instead if that's an option. It's much more flexible with regards to POS tagging and muuuuuch faster

    Or use R, that's also an option

    Below you can find something I created a while ago to give me different outputs based on POS combinations, maybe it can help you further.

    <宏/ >

    < process expanded="true">

    < parameter key="script" value="import nltk, re from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize, regexp_tokenize, wordpunct_tokenize from nltk.chunk import * from nltk.chunk.util import * from nltk.chunk.regexp import * from nltk import untag from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer, WordNetLemmatizer from import LancasterStemmer from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer def chunckMe(str,rule): np=[] chunk_parser = RegexpChunkParser(rule, chunk_label='LBL') sentences= sent_tokenize(str) for sent in sentences: d_words=nltk.word_tokenize(sent) d_tagged=nltk.pos_tag(d_words) chunked_text = chunk_parser.parse(d_tagged) tree = chunked_text for subtree in tree.subtrees(): if subtree.label() == 'LBL': np.append(" ".join(untag(subtree)).lower()) return np; def rm_main(data): np_all=[] ap_all=[] aa_all=[] vj_all=[] vb_all=[] nn_all=[] stopwords_dt=(['the','a','this','that','an','another','these','some','every','any']) lm=nltk.WordNetLemmatizer() for index,row in data.iterrows(): str=row["case_details"] chunk_rule = ChunkRule("<JJ.*><NN.*>+|<JJ.*>*<NN.*><CC>*<NN.*>+|<CD><NN.*>", "Simple noun phrase") tags = chunckMe(str,[chunk_rule]) np_all.append(', '.join(set(tags))) chunk_rule = ChunkRule("<JJ.*><CC><JJ.*>|<JJ.*><TO>*<VB.*><TO>*<NN.*>+", "adjective phrase") tags = chunckMe(str,[chunk_rule]) ap_all.append(', '.join(set(tags))) chunk_rule = ChunkRule("<RB.*><JJ.*>|<VB.*>+<RB.*>", "Adverb - Adjectives") tags = chunckMe(str,[chunk_rule]) aa_all.append(', '.join(set(tags))) chunk_rule = ChunkRule("<VB.*>(<JJ.*>|<NN.*>)+", "verbs - Adjectives") tags = chunckMe(str,[chunk_rule]) vj_all.append(', '.join(set(tags))) chunk_rule = ChunkRule("<WRB><.*>+<NN>+", "Nouns") tags = chunckMe(str,[chunk_rule]) nn_all.append(', '.join(set(tags))) stopwords=(['be','do','have']) chunk_rule = ChunkRule("<VB.*>", "Verbs") tags = chunckMe(str,[chunk_rule]) vb_all.append(', '.join([word for word in nltk.word_tokenize(' '.join(set(lm.lemmatize(w, 'v') for w in tags))) if word.lower() not in stopwords])) data['noun_phrases']=np_all data['adjective_phrases']=ap_all data['adverb_phrases']=aa_all data['verb_phrases']=vj_all data['verbs']=vb_all data['nouns']=nn_all return data "/>
    Apply python (NLTK) to get POS tags and some other magic

    < from_op = "没有连接un phrases (2)" from_port="output 1" to_port="result 1"/>
    < portSpacing port="source_input 1" spacing="0"/>
    < portSpacing port="source_input 2" spacing="0"/>
    < portSpacing port="sink_result 1" spacing="0"/>
    < portSpacing port="sink_result 2" spacing="0"/>

  • AndyKirAndyKir Member, University ProfessorPosts:3University Professor

    That's what I do for my research, but for teaching I use Rapidminer...

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