Export CSV create scientific notation for very small reals
Hi, I'm having this issue with RM when trying to export a dataset to a csv file. I have two columns with real numbers which can be very small and I noticed in the .csv file the scientific notation is used.
我怎样才能把它关掉w和写完整的号码ith all the decimal places? I checked the "Write CSV" node's documentation but didn't find anything about it.
Thanks in advance.
I don't think it is possible with the Write CSV Operator. I think it is a rare use case.
If you absolutely need to have this format, you will have to use one of the scripting opereators (R, Python, Groovy). As far as I know, it is not so simple in R either, you would have to change the default options for numerical conversion (with options(scipen = 15), meaning that it will write with fixed point notation up to 15 zeros).
Here you can find an example of process (to set according your data), using Python, to write the full number with all the decimal places in a .csv file.
I hope it helps,
Best regards,