Check EXTRACT STATISTICS operator from an Operator Toolbox extension that you can install from the Markerplace. It will extract all the data you need from your dataset.
sgenzerAdministrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM ModeratorPosts:2,959Community Manager
also the Aggregate operator will do a lot of those stats for you.
you have the most common statistics in the Results View, more specifically in the Statistics tab. Those are: minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation. Together with the histogram I find it sufficient whenever my only task is to predict.
Check EXTRACT STATISTICS operator from an Operator Toolbox extension that you can install from the Markerplace. It will extract all the data you need from your dataset.
also the Aggregate operator will do a lot of those stats for you.
If you want a more robust set of descriptive stats,@landhas a niceStatistics extensionyou can use.
you have the most common statistics in the Results View, more specifically in the Statistics tab. Those are: minimum, maximum, average and standard deviation. Together with the histogram I find it sufficient whenever my only task is to predict.